
How do I get better at playing basketball?

by  |  earlier

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Next year at my school I want to play. I played in 6th grade, and I didn't do too good. Well that was about 4 years ago and now I feel like I am MUCH MUCH BETTER! I'm either 5'10 or 5'11 145lbs sophomore and I want to play PG/SG. People tell me to stay down low, and I want to prove to everyone that I can play the point because I doubt I'll get to a PF/SF height. I'm great defensively and a little below average at shooting, im a beast when rebounding, and a great drive in type that will get the and1.




  1. First shoot a few lay ups, and close range shots until you are making most of them in.

    Then go to any location on the court ( I suggest not too far ) and shoot shots from there for about 10 minutes.

    Next walk around the court shooting far 2 pointers.

    After all of this you can shoot from wherever you want.

    Finally repeat this routine every day that you can play basketball.

  2. PLYOMETRICS, makes you more better at defense and your hops/vertical can go up to 6 foot MINUMUM!! search it on youtube and google and do there excerices.

  3. Go to

    it will tell u everything

    Good Luck dude

  4. You will only get better by practicing. Practice, practice, practice, stay in the gym shooting, dribbling and working on your game.

  5. go to a good gym and practice shooting and practice defence with a friend

  6. All i can think about is practice is the best thing you can do to

    get better and talk to the couch to get more advise

  7. Practice.

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