
How do I get better lung capasity?

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How do I make it so my lungs have a better capasity? So like I don't run out of breath as easily. THANKSS!




  1. The best way for you to improve your lung capacity is for you to gradually build up the number of strokes oyu are taking before breating, for example if you generally swim front crawl breathing every three strokes build it up to fours, fives, etc and train on that until you find your able to progress again.  Push yourself so the number of strokes your taking between breaths is just about becomming a little uncomfortable and then as you progress and your lung capacity develops you will find that this numebr gets more managable and you will be able to extend this again.

  2. I find just practicing holding my breath helps

  3. No matter what anyone else tells you on this board, you cannot increase your lung capacity.  

    Lung capacity is genetically determined and, therefore, cannot be changed.  

    However, in your lungs are the air sacks (alveoli).   Around each group of alveoli are capillaries which carry deoxygenated blood to your lungs.  The air you inhale into the alveoli has a higher concentration of oxygen than the blood in the capillaries so the oxygen diffuses into the blood.  At the same moment, carbon dioxide (co2) is in high concentration in your blood and low in the inhaled air.  So the co2 diffuses from your blood into the air in the alveoli.

    NOW ... when you get in better shape, you grow more capillaries around the alveoli.  So, your lungs don't increase in their air volume, they become more efficient in allowing the blood to pick-up oxygen and get rid of co2.  

    The bottom line is that to increase your breathing, you must get into better shape.

  4. I'm presuming you're a non-smoker, but if not stop smoking.

  5. Simon is basically right.  Lung capacity is a function of environment, heredity, and exercise.  Adding the number of strokes is one way of increasing capacity.  I would add a couple of things.  

    First, when you're not in the pool, practice deep breathing.  Inhale slowly through your nostrils until your lungs feel uncomfortably full, then slowly exhale until all of your air supply is exhausted.  Try to repeat the exercise several times a day.

    Secondly, when you're in the pool, practice swimming underwater until you can reach the end of the pool without breathing.  After you reach the other end of the pool, sprint back to the side you started from.  It will be exhausting, but well worth it.

    If your environment is polluted; e.g., smokers in the house, it will be extremely difficult to achieve great lung capacity.  Try to get those people to stop smoking.

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