
How do I get better spin playing tennis, serving too?

by Guest60472  |  earlier

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How do I get better spin when I'm hitting? Or serving, if I hit any harder or change my grip I never get it in the service box! That and, I apparently SUCK at slicing, my coach is being mean and won't show me how he does it. Any ideas? I know, practice practice, but still a few tips couldn't hurt right?




  1. you should probably be serving with continental grip. it takes a while to get used to, but it really makes a difference.  also, when hitting the ball when you serve, you should supinate your wrist. that just means that you should turn your wrist while serving. there are probably videos on youtube or something to get the technique, but those are the basics

  2. check these out ...

  3. You have the slice, top spin, and you have the flat serve, depending on what grip your coach introduced you to.  A serve is very simple, its all dependent on your ball toss, when you throw it in the air, if you throw it up straight above your head, thats just a regular flat serve it gets you the power you want and crave, if you throw the ball high to the right of your head, and meet the ball at the right time, its called a slice, if you do the same when its to the left, its called top spin.

    Hope this helps, for more info go to the link-

  4. try hitting it hard but on the side of the racket

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