
How do I get black hair dye out of my hair?

by Guest63704  |  earlier

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I've been reading the answers on here and most of them say to use a stripper or to let it grow out. I've looked for a stripper but I can't find one that can be used on dark hair, and my hair is really long and it'll take years to let it grow out. The hairdresser said to let it grow out but I wondered if anybody knew a quicker way. I'm desperate and I'll try literally anything except household bleach. Any ideas?




  1. head and shoulders shampoo is pretty good at stripping black hair dye out.

    I got a hair lightening/stripping kit, actually I ended up using three and they didn't work, don't waste your money on 'em hun!

    I used loads of standard bleaching kits from Boots and eventually got a dark brown colour, then I resorted to Domestos, it worked but my hair was trashed!

    Maybe try a different hairdressers and see if they will at least strand test a proffesional level bleach/stripper?

    Good luck hun, I feel your pain!



    dying over black will not get rid of it and as ur roots start to come in u'll end up with darker bits where the black is hiding underneath. bleaching is also not a good option as it will ruin ur hair and mean u have to find another colour to dye over the top after.

    there are two ways to do it:

    1) just let it grow out naturally. sounds awful i know but it's the best way for ur hair's health


    2) have ur hair stripped at the hairdressers. this is where they strip the hair of all un-natural colour getting u back to how ur hair is meant to be. depending on where u go it can be expensive (about £70) but it is completly worth it

    hope i've helped!

  3. just dye over for starters with a lighter brown then every four weeks use a lighter brown x

  4. Well you could bleach it. But Its up to you.

  5. Peroxide

  6. I am currently training to be a hairdresser, and my advive is: if you go into your local hairdressers they should do a strand test that will tell them if they can lighten your hair. We had a girl in today who had black hair and we lightened it using bleach blonde. It will take a few tries to get it out but if you have a full head of high lights and then go back about 4 weeks later and have the same again  or even go for a brown or whatever colour you want, it should be near enough gone.However it will be ginger for those 4 weeks...It also depends on the condition of your hair, if your hair snaps on the strand test then this is not the way to go because all your hair will snap. There is also the option of getting the colour stripped at the hairdressers but again this depends on the strength of your hair and your hairdresser as it will weaken the hair alot!

    If I were you I would try buying a bleaching kit and putting that on and then an intense conditioner (dove do a good one) and then the next day put a warmer colour on like a medium brown and then keep using the intense conditioner everytime you wash your hair for a couple of weeks (do not wash your hair every day). Then don't dye your hair again for a little while! Hope this helps.

  7. There is a hairdressing shop called Sallys, I dont know if you have one by you but they might be online. You could buy the bleach they use at the hairdressers from there and try that. If you put black dye on the best way to lighten it is washing up liquid but you have to put it on pretty much straight away i think. Maybe give it a go anyway it cant hurt. Good luck

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