
How do I get candle wax and its dye stain off walls and the fridge?

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Both the wall paint and fridge paint are textured making it more difficult. I have tried melting the wax with a hair dryer and with a lighter. I have tried the Mr Clean Magic Eraser for the stains and it did nothing.




  1. Take a PLASTIC putty knife to the wax itself. Melting it is causing the staining. There's oils in wax that will leave oil stains regardless if the color bled too. The fridge you should be able to wash down and get the residue off, the walls might have to be repainted BUT use something like Kilz on the spots first or the oil stains will bleed through.

  2. boiling water will get rid of the wax off anything, you just gotta keep boiling it until its all gone. try eucalyptus oil to get the stain off after or my friend used to get her kids drawing marks off the wall with hair spray, good luck.

  3. Try taking a piece of a paper sack a putting it between the wall and the iron, the wax and the stain will usually come off on the paper. Good Luck!

  4. use a razor blade

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