
How do I get chewing gum off our wooden coffee table?

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How do I get chewing gum off our wooden coffee table?




  1. There's some stuff called goof off. YOu can get it at hardware stores and paint stores. Its amazing for stuff like that. It usually won't hurt the wood finish either. Try a test patch somewhere on the wood to make sure the goof off won't hurt the finish of the wood first.

  2. Try waiting for it to dry then it should be quite easily picked off!

  3. I agree with freezing it off.  The other two are just funny!  Guess some people will do anything for points.....sorry.

    Peanutbutter is good for hair and gum.  Gross, but it works.

  4. Ice.

    Or I think - Peanut butter - that might be if it's in hair

  5. chisel it off with a knife or a burger flipper

    worked for me

  6. I don't kno, ussually freezing chewing gum takes it off clothes, try holdin frozen peas on it for a while then peal it off..

  7. get some ice from the freezer put it into a plastic bag , and set the bag on the table for a while , the gum will harden and you can then peel it off.

  8. Try peanut butter.  It works great to remove sticky labels.

  9. Goo Be Gone is a good product and I buy it at my local hardware store.

  10. Eucalyptus oil, gets through anything sticky.

  11. You should not be chewing gum off a wooden table or any table for that matter it's just not sanitary. I mean if you can't afford gum just cut some things in your budget , do not lower yourself to chewing on furniture,to scrape some remaining essence of old gum.:)

  12. wait until it goes hard

  13. paint over it

  14. get some freezing spray, the sort plumbers use to freeze water pipes, give it a spray then it gets really brittle and will flake off

    Dont use too much and dont spray it near yor eyes

    and dont invite creeps who leave chewing gum around

  15. goo-gone or goo-be-gone, I can't remember exactly what it's called, but you can find it anywhere in the cleaning isle.

    But for a faster fix, put an ice cube on it. It will harden the gum and you should be able to pick it right off.

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