
How do I get dark spots off my knee's from cleaning and being on my knees?

by  |  earlier

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I clean houses and am sometimes on my knees cleaning floors or dusting furniture. My knee's have a dark dirty spot that I scub and have put cream on and they look horrible.




  1. solution: dermaline skin whitening cream and a rich moisturizer will work well together.

  2. we know the real reason your on your knees stop lying

  3. Hi!  Try a good exfoliater first.  You can make your own with sugar and lotion. Use regular sugar, about 1/2 a cup, with enough lotion to make the sugar a thin paste.  Rub it into your knees for at least three minutes with a warm wash cloth.  Then follow up with a very rich moisturizer.  You may need to do this a few times.  You can also add some lemon juice in with the sugar and lotion.  If that doesn't work, try Avon's Banishing Cream, or any other product that helps fade spots/freckles.

    Good luck and best wishes!

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