
How do I get dirt out of the hull of my boat?

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My 16" Puffer sail boat that I am fixing apparently has gravel, dirt, or somthing else inside the hull. there are 2 wells on each side, which may have let dirt inside it, but I'm not sure how to get it out. I have already flooded the wells but the water won't empty out the back of the boat, making it a real issue if it takes on water. Do I need to cut the hull open to take out whatever is inside the hull? If so, would a knife cut it, or would I need a jig saw to get through the fiberglass? If I do need to cut it open, how can I repair it?

Sorry for the major overload of questions, but I want to be completly sure that I'm safe when I take this out on the water.






  1. Try to free up the drain holes by poking a dowel or piece of wire into it. A wet/ dry vac can help too. If you want you can cut a hole the correct size to glue in an access port- plastic ones of various sizes are available cheaply from marine stores. You glue and/ or s***w in the flange and the access port either pops out with a screwdriver or there are types that s***w out too.

  2. well you have drain plugs and water so if its not draining then your hole are plug... smarter to unplug hole than cut a new one

  3. Not familiar with your specific boat, but most of the boats of this type were filled with foam between the hulls for flotation.  A crack, hole or leaking seam may have allowed water to seep in and over time it is possible for the foam to deteriorate and become saturated.  If this is the case, the best action is to remove and REPLACE the foam.  This is a big job that may not be cost effective.  

    If I were to do the job, I would start by looking at the factory seams and see if there is a way to separate the deck from the hull.

    Note the emphasis on replacing the foam that has been removed.  A recent accident in a South Carolina lake took the life of a child that got caught in the rigging of a similar boat when it sank.  It was reported that the flotation in the boat had been partially removed.

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