
How do I get emancipated?

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I've recently turned 15, and between now and the time I am 16 I'll be working hard on getting good grades, a good job and learning to drive. Assuming that I could get emancipated, how do I go about doing this? And do you think my parents will be upset when I ask them about it? I can't take living here anymore, I really need some help - thanks!




  1. How bad can it possibly be to not be able to survive three more years? We all can't stand our parents as teenagers and at times it seems unbearable to live with them.

    At 16, what kind of "good job" do you honestly think you're going to get that will be enough to support yourself? Lawyers dealing with emancipation will need to see you are capable of supporting yourself without help...something most teens cannot do no matter what they think. I am 27 with a decent paying job and sometimes even I struggle...and I'm married besides!

    Please make it work at home. The struggles of being on your own have more cons than they do pros. It can be great when you're mature enough to handle it and have the right income but without it, you're up a creek and in way over your head.


    This might help

  3. Bottom line is, you will need to post a $50,000 bond to cover legal fees.  Is this really worth it?

  4. kk said it all you will be paying bills soon enough in life your 15 trying too act like your 21 just stop and enjoy being a teenager man i wish i could lol

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