
How do I get ex back?

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I dated a guy for about three months but he broke up with me during the summer because he said that he did not get to spend enough time with me (I had been gone for two weeks and hadn't seen him in 3 or 4) I still really like him and would like to get back together with him but I am not sure how to do that. We still talk and have a class together and are on friendly terms and I know that he is not seeing anyone. What should I do?

Thank you!




  1. First you make sure you now have the time to devote to him & w/be able to see him more often if that was the reason you broke up.  Let him know you still do like him & understand where he's coming from in wanting to be w/you & seeing you more often.  Actually, that's a compliment in him wanting to be w/you more often.  So, if you're ready for a relationship now, have the time to devote to it, by all means let him know.  I actually think it's great that he wants to spend more time w/you.  I'm sure I'm not alone on that either...:)  If you still like him, then by all means let him know & also mention you're ready for a real relationship now and fully understand his interpretation of a relationship.

    All the best to you, & just be happy you do have a second chance...:)

  2. flirt with him (:

  3. If he broke up with you and doesnt return your flirting, I think it's over. Move on. He may get jealous and realize what he lost.  

  4. See what he does if you're both at a dance or something and you're with another guy. A simple test, if he cuts in or gets jealous then you know he still wants you back.

    Or you can just tell him you like him.

  5. i think you have a good chance

    he broke up with you over something that could be easily changed

    and the fact that you are on good terms shows that he likes you as a person

    i think the best way to go about it is to gradually become close with him again

    slowly start talking more and more

    and begin to flirt with him

    just dont rush things

    good luck xx
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