I am a young actress I live in a fairly small comunity so there aren't many acting opportunities my family doesn't want to move but they are willing for me to fly to big cities for gigs, we could permanatly go once I'm famous. This isn't just one of those everyday irrational dreams. Acting is my favorite thing in the world to do I love to step away from myself, my problems and just experience life through someone elses eyes. I have been on stage since I was 3, I've taken dozens of classes, I have enough experience I just don't know how to get famous. I have looked at many websites but they all seem like scams, they say things like 'no experience required' but I have experience and I want to use my skills. Plus they all seem like low budget student films. Anyone know of any legit websites that will take my headshot and look at my skills? I am good and i know once I'm discovered I could go far, the trouble is I don't know how. PLEASE HELP i'm dedicated by i need help
thank you.