
How do I get faster in a 5k?

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I ran cross country in high school. During summer training I was one of the faster kids and improved throughout the summer without injuries. My first race was an 18:05. That was my best race of the year. After that I began to get shin splints and many other teammates were beating me. This happened 2 years in a row. Is there any way you think I could get better instead of getting slower. Can i prevent shin splints?




  1. eat a lot of licorice, fact licorice has an unknown remedy that takes away lactic acid in your body

  2. maybe if youve been doing alot of mileage try getting some cross training in like jumping in the pool getting a pool workout get calcium in that helps the bones, chocolate milk i have found to be great for recovery off of workouts, make sure you have the right type of running shoes for your feet go to a running specialty store if you didnt already and make sure you have the right shoes for pronation and stuff. also try to improve your form if your forms not the best and STRETCH

  3. how do you land on your foot when you run for cross country? answer this and i can provide a possible solution.

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