
How do I get fitter for oz-tag?

by Guest67035  |  earlier

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I play oz-tag recreational and end up getting puffed really quick. The weird thing is that I cycle heaps (20km per day) and do kickboxing but I'm buggered after 5 mins on the field. If I sub off I'm fine again in like, 30 seconds, but then I can only last another 5 mins before I'm tired again.

What kind of training can I do to feel fresher and more energetic for longer? I'd like to be able to play a whole game without rest.

And if you don't know what oz-tag is then think of a cross between rugby, flag-football (for you americans) and interval sprints. The games are 20 minute halves with a 1 min break in between. Lots of running up and back in a line (10-15 metres) in defence and lots of sprinting in attack.




  1. Just do alot of pushups and situps.

    Good Luck

  2. That's a great question. I've never heard of oz-tag, but it sound like a blast. From what you describe the game to be and the problem you're having, sounds like you want to be able to play for a longer period of time at a higher intensity? If that's the case you need to increase you're work capacity. Work capacity is increased by training at high intensity in an interval format. Try this workout for a few weeks @ 3x week.

    (a)12 Push Ups, 12 Squat Jumps, 30 m Sprint

          Rest 20 sec  

          Repeat 10 times

    (b) 5 Hand Clap Push Ups, 10 Split Jumps, 20 m sprint,

         20 m backwards sprint

         Rest 20 sec

         Repeat 10 times

    These are just sample workouts on the field that you can do to quickly increase your work capacity. Try it out. Alternate (a) and (b) through out the week.

    Good Luck!

  3. Man im a cyclist, and totally cant run any where. Its different muscles.

    Id say you need to do more running, maybe alot of running forwards and backwards,  maybe laps of an oval, then some running up and down a field where you run forwards for 20 then back for ten up and down a field a few times.

    maybe some sprint training too.

  4. you need to get your breathing apparatus up to scratch - swim at least every other day, do aerobics classes at gym, run upstairs at work - you don't smoke do you?

    train as an AFL umpire?they have to run all day, and whatever we think of their mental ability, they can certainly run.

    good luck


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