
How do I get free HD channels on new LCD HDTV....?

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I just bought my first HDTV and was wondering how to get free HD channels. I currently have Dish Network, but the cable box I have only has S-video and my HDTV does not. WHat do I need to get free local HD channels? My HDTV has a tuner, do I just need an HD antenna?




  1. In most areas you can get HD broadcasts for free with an antenna.

    >do I just need an HD antenna

    In North America, all TV antennas are "HD antennas". Even 30 year old antennas are "HD antennas". There is a lot of marketing BS about having to buy "HD antennas", it's just to separate you from your money.  

    The best antenna for you is very dependent on your local conditions. Information like zip code, distance from local transmitters, and experience with analog reception is needed to intelligently select a new antenna.

    I'm about 5 miles from the local TV transmitters, and I can pick up all the local digital stations with all the antennas I tried, including one that was just a 7" wire!

    You just connect the antenna just like you would for analog TV stations and go into your HDTV's menu and have it scan for digital antenna signals.

    To get HD signals from Dish, you would need to get a HD satellite receiver and pay them for the HD service.


    >So any type of antenna would work?

    Depends on your local conditions.

    >Does it matter how the antenna is connected to my TV?

    They all have standard 75 ohm coax connectors. There is no other common way to do it.

    >Would it need to be connected using HDMI?

    No. HDMI cables are only used to connect HD video sources like HD cable boxes, HD satellite receivers, Blu-ray players, HD games....... If you were using an external tuner rather than the one built into your HDTV, then you could use a HDMI cable.

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