
How do I get guys to stop hitting on me?

by  |  earlier

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It was gratifying at first, but now it's getting down right annoying. I don't want to hurt their feelings. I am single and until I find the right guy I would like to remain that way.




  1. Ignore and Restore.

    Dont pay them any attention.

    If you dont show any interest, they will get the message sooner or later (hopefully sooner)  

  2. dress bad

    act stupid

    or just tell them to &*@% off

    you choose :D

  3. eat a lot

  4. what a stupid answer to EAT ALOT even if you did you will still get hit on cos some men are like dogs on heat thay never no when to stop!!!!

    hunny, just be firm and assertive with them, tell em your just not intreasted....your gunna get this most of your life so best to get in practice now at saying thanks but no thanks and never tell em your lesbien just to get rid cos thay will love that too lol


  5. check big head!

  6. Just walk away.

    Good Luck!

  7. Don't encourage them: if you are dressed nice & looking good, and guys are attracted to you, be polite but not encouraging.  Consider wearing a wedding ring or engagement ring, and when strangers start hitting on you mention your husband 3 times in your answers to them.

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