
How do I get help for verbal abuse for my sister-in-law?

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My sister-in-law is the victim of verbal abuse by her 17 year old daughter. Her daughter says things like shut the F*** up, your stupid, I'm going to choke you,fat a**,etc. What can I do? Any time I mention anything to mom, she gets mad at me that I would say anything bad about her daughter. Dad is no support to mom, the girl even uses her dad against her mom. Help please! There isn't much out there about parental abuse.




  1. You can't parent another persons child.  When it starts happening I would quietly say I can't be in a room where this is happening and leave.  If she is going to let her daughter do this, there is nothing you can do.  If it happens in your own home, tell the daughter that she needs to stop or go home.

  2. your sister has to decide when she has had enough- as long as she does nothing, her daughter will continue to be abusive. once your sister in law decides that its over, she will have to start punishing her daughter for the behaviours- I'm sure she is still giving her spending money, buying her clothes, stuff like that-i would start giving her nothing-why reward bad behaviour? and she needs to talk to hubby-he needs to step up to the plate and be a bit supportive-its up to her to change things-she has to make it happen.

  3. when she starts acting out just leasve the room or the house.

  4. Inner peace is what everybody wants, including me.  I have it because I read the book To h**l With h**l.  That gave me more information about life in general, including parenting than any other source to date.  Peace of mind helps us get through lots of issues in life.  Happiness is not usually achieved 24/7.  Contentment is.  Read the book for help.  Barnes and Noble and  It has helped me tremendously with life in general and I feel good about myself and others.  I hope this helps.  

  5. tell ur parents!

  6. talk to the 17 yr old- explain how immature she REALLY sounds- some kids do it just because they think its mature or cool to swear.

  7. Yell back.

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