
How do I get her collectors to stop calling me?

by  |  earlier

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I got a new number last June and ever since then I have been receiving at least 3 calls per day for a woman named Stella regarding her debt. I assume she had the number before I did or she simply gave them a fake number (THANKS LADY).

The 1st call I answered and I very kindly told them that this was not her number. They said "thank you" and hung up...but they keep calling.

I keep telling them that this is not her number and they either act as if I am this woman and I'm trying to throw them off...they say "Okay...sure, STELLA" OR they insist that I am somehow harboring this woman in my home. They say, “Where is she? Where can we reach her? TELL US NOW!”

I tried the nice way. I tried the "I'm very serious!!!" way...and it's not working. If I ask to speak to their supervisor they hang up. Their number is blocked. I can’t call them back.




  1. I know someone  that can stop the calls professionally

    email me and I'll give you there contacts

  2. Ok...well Kris...sorry this is happening what a nightmare....Do you know for sure that she is even in the same town as you you know the company that is calling you?  You might be able to contact your phone company.  Is it a cell phone or home phone?...I'm guessing cell?...When you call your cells company tell them these people are harassing you and you want their number blocked so they can't call you anymore...or see if they can get the number that keeps calling you.  If you can't for some reason get that info (which you should be able to) The next time they call you see if you can get the information of who is name; address, a number where you can call them back at, who you need to talk to about this claim, etc......Then tell them if they don't stop harassing you; you are going to have to get the law involved; that you have nothing to do with this other Stella lady and they had better quit calling that your number is a work number and they are disturbing you at work. Try to keep a log of when they call you. The certified letter is a great idea just make sure you get all their info whenever they call you.  How frustrating...I"m sorry.  I sure hope that helps you out!

  3. try registering your number on

    Call you phone service provider tell them your story (cant change number, not stella and ppl keep calling...and see if they can block the calls.

    If that dosent work then maybe try giving them a number to reach her at like the rejection number lol. Threaten to call the police if they call your number again "I have told you people numerous times that this is not Stella's number, I dont know Stella and this is my new number, I will be forced to call the athoritys if the calls persist." Do you answer your phone by saying "This is (your name) speaking? maybe that will help. Or simply tell them that Stella is dead. My dad likes to leave the phone off of the hook until they hang up...for some reason that stops them lol....good luck with the Stella calls

  4. When they call again don't deny your Stella. Let them tell you why their calling and what company they are calling for (it's probably a collection agency). Go along with everything and ask for an address to send the check to. Send them a certified letter (and the company they are collecting for) telling them you are not Stella and they do not have permission to call you. By law they can't call again. I did this, it works!

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