
How do I get her to understand I don't want to be her friend?

by Guest56716  |  earlier

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This girl was really annoying

She was rude and sneezed on me,burped in my mouth when i was talking, and shoved her beliefs down my throat.

and i blew off a lot of nice people to hang out with her.

i tried to run away from her, hide from her, exclude her in everything,not talk to her, but she always clings/clung along. the new school year has started and she still thinks we're friends and she keeps doing the same things! How can i tell her to stop annoying me?




  1. Omg, i know exactly how you feel,girl!

    But from the moment she did those nasty assss things, you shoulda told her.

    The worst thing someone can do is shove their believes down your throat. dont let that happen.

    Since you already tried avoiding her, you have to just TELL HER.

    because obviously she doesnt get the point..

    This is what i would tell her

    "Look, at first i tried to be your friend because i thought we were really going to get along, but its just not working out like that. You are very rude, & you dont seem to understand that i couldnt care less about what YOU believe in. Please, leave me alone with that.

    I didnt know how to tell you so i was trying to avoid this conversation, but you follow me EVERYWHERE & i dont like that. I feel suffocated. "


    lol. she is most likely gonna get butt-hurt, but you dont HAVE to kick it with her..


    & plus she isnt going to change her ways.. so might as well tell her straight up.

    Good luck! (:

  2. She burped in your mouth gross.  Um.. this is a hard one. Just try and talk to her. Tell her what you feel in the nicest way as possible.

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