
How do I get high cheekbones like Selena Gomez, Miley Cyrus and Vanessa Hudgens?

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Or like Ashley Tisdale

They are really pretty!




  1. What high cheekbones? Those girls don't have high cheekbones. High cheekbones don't make you pretty, it also depends on your nose, mouth, facial structure, hair, body, etc.

    Many girls and guys with high-cheekbones look un-attractive. One characteristic doesn't make you pretty. Some people look horrible with high cheekbones.  

  2. You have to be born with them. You can make cheekbones look more higher and prominent with makeup though.

    And none of those celebs (maybe excluding Vanessa) have high cheekbones.

  3. There is an Indian tribe somewhere in their past history.  You have to be born with the bone structure.

    Miranda, thanks for letting me know why people thought I was "older" than my age when I was a pre-teen.  And now that I'm in my 40's I am getting asked for my I.D. to stand in a bar, or purchase cigarettes for my siblings.

    I agree with Angel; when I had gained 15 pounds I was so excited to finally have gained weight for the first time in my life.  I seemed to be smiling all the time cause my cheeks were so puffy!  But on a regular visit to the doctor he discovered  through blood tests that I had a thyroid condition and immediately put me on some meds which took the weight off quickly.  When I looked in a mirro again, I saw my chek bones for the first time; growing up it was just natural to have high cheeks.

    Xore...., be nicer, why don't you!

  4. their cheekbones aren't high! maybe just Ashley's.....

    but i know Demi doesn't, but she's gorgeous anyway!

    and you know that Demi is ALWAYS smiling, right? she smiles non-stop, and she's really cute when she does that!

    you should try that too! (:;...

    (qs about songs!)

  5. you can't get high cheekbones. you're born with them.

  6. You can't get high cheekbones your born with them.  

  7. You cant make yourself get them.

    However, if you are overweight (as in your doctor has told you) losing weight will make all your facial structures more prominent

    When I lost 55 pounds, my cheekbones and facial structure appeared, it was just covered behind all the fat.

  8. They are examples of girls with regular cheekbones that are gorgeous.

    They don't have high-cheekbones. And if 1 or 2 of them actually do, they are "barely" prominent.

    High-cheekbones usually make people look more "s**y", therefore older. Low-cheekbone girls usually look more cute, therefore younger.

  9. it's genetics

    the only way you can get it is surgery.... but i dont advise it. you can die from it.

  10. You don't GET them, you have to be BORN with them.

    I swear, some people are so stupid....

  11. You have to be born with them. Sorry, I'm sure your cheeks are just fine though.

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