
How do I get him to understand? [tattoo help]?

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My Dad's one of those Dad's who VERY strict, I can't even wear a certain pair of jeans if the color isn't blue, black, or gray. I want to let him know that I'm not his star child that's a prep, I prefer hot topic clothes.

For one I dress in dark clothes, or neon paints (when he's not around), dark eye make up, piercings, the whole sha-bang...but I don't know what to do. I want to be a tattoo artist when I get older, because I love art/tattoos...what a great combination! :D

I just don't know what to do, because he's said that being a tattoo artist is sick, but that's what I enjoy. I just want to make him happy, but I want to be happy too...





  1. Do what makes your happy. It sucks that daddy-o can't live out his dreams through you, at least it sucks for him. You don't have to be mean to him, or disrespectful.

    It would suck to live your life knowing that you were making someone else besides you happy.

  2. I'll give you this to make you smile:

    check out Revelation 19:11-16 (New International Version)

    Jesus has what appears to be a tattoo on his thigh, saying, "King of kings, lord of lords"

    And, apparently God has a rather extensive tat of some sorts:

    "See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands." Isaiah 49:16

    Now, to your question, Your Dad loves you and is trying to do his best as a father, no matter how it seems to you now. And you are becoming an individual, and are going through some typical growing up 'I'm my own person' type of rebellion.

    You also want to please your Dad without compromising yourself, and he wants you to grow up healthy, happy, and safe, and it's hard for him to let go of the controls of your decisions, because this scares him. He wants to protect you, but knows that he has to let go of this as you grow to a certain extent. It's a hard time for both of you.

    Where's the answer? It is where the two of you meet. You both want the other to be happy. So, how do you accomplish this? It's by not acting juvenile, petty, or doing anything just to prove that it's your life and you'll do what you want. You need to act as if you were a confident, self sufficient, talented, artistic, adult. You follow Dad's rules without a fight until you move out. You continue working on your art and your dreams. You find ways to be yourself without going against Dad. If you you don't fight him, he won't fight back, and then he will relax in his fears for you, because he will see your confidence and maturity, and may very well relax his rules as a reward.

    You'll be fine, he'll be fine, you're relationship will be fine, as long as your goals are focused on love along with the rest of it.

    When you are a successful 30 year old, you two will laugh about this time, he still may not like your choices, but he will accept them and be proud of you in spite of this. Who knows, he may actually let you tattoo him someday! I've seen stranger things.

  3. Gee! I'm like in the same boat you're in, only I want a lip ring!

    Well, i guess wait till you're 18. THen you can do what you want!

    But also act nice, intelligent and all-around good towards others.

    Then you won't be as "off-putting" to others.  

  4. Do it, if this is what you want to do go for it!

    hard to get into but its your life, why be doing something you hate?

    you have stuck to your dads rules as a child and when you are old enough to become a tattooist (start a job) it is not his choice what job you choose, you will learn from your own ways and choices.

    you have to do whats best for you sometimes!

    and you dont need to feel bad about it.

    p.s i like hit topic too:P

  5. Some point in your life your gonna have to stop doing stuff to make others happy and just make yourself happy.  Its impossible to make everyone happy so live your life how you want and hope the world forgives you if they don't like it.  Thats the best advice I got.

  6. Your dad needs to realize that you are an individual.  Also, he should be happy with you the way you are and not let his opinions get in the way of who you want to be.  My dad is christian non-denomination (not baptized) and he has tried telling me and is still trying to tell me that tattoos are a sin.  I have read nothing in the new testament about tattoos specifically, but it does say the body is the temple of god.  However, that passage is referring more to the sexual immorality and drug use than it is to getting a mark on the body.  It does say in Matthew that it is not what goes into your body but what comes out that defiles you.  That is saying that what your motives are is what dictates if it is sin.  My dad is also trying to say that looking goth is not christian.  I see noting in the bible about wearing certain colors.  It does say to dress modestly and to not cause others to stumble in their faith and to sin.  However, like so many other subcultures, it depends on what that member wears.  I dress on the more modest side of goth and I don't have a lot of piercings.  My dad is deep in legalism as far as his faith goes.  In Galatians 3:25 it says that we are no longer under the law because our faith saves us.  It sounds to me like your dad is the same way.  Let him know that being goth, emo, or dressing in all black or other weird colors is not the biggest disgrace one can make upon themselves or anyone.  Are you going out and killing people, commitng animal sacrifice, or being sexually immoral (i.e pre-marital s*x, pronography).  When you are eighteen, you are an adult and can make your own decisions.  If he doesn't like, he can disown you or whatever, but it's his loss.  Tell him that he needs to take your feelings into account and that it's your choice alone what your job is.  If you love art and want to become a tattoo artist, then do it because that is what you love and want to do with your life.  BTW, I love Hot Topic as well.

  7. You need to do what makes you happy.  Pretty soon you'll be an adult and he won't have authority over you anymore.  Just tell him you're into art and that's what you want to do as a career.  Get your drawings, paintings, sketches, etc. together and put them in a portfolio.  Then do some research and find the best tattoo shops in your area and visit each one.  Talk to the artists, look at their portfolios and decide which artist you like the best.  Then show him/her your portfolio and ask them to take you under their wing.  If this is something you really want to do, then your dad's opinion shouldn't stop you.

    Good luck.

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