
How do I get hte smell outta my dishwasher??

by  |  earlier

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I was away for a week and my husband was kind enough to "do the dishes" means he put them in the dishwasher.....when I opend the dishwasher this evening everything was moldy....ewwwwwwww.....I ran the dishwasher once with an extra long cycle but when I opened it it still smelled moldy and musty....what can I do????




  1. put vingear in the soap spot... and do a rinse cycle. if the dishes is in it, then keep them in it.  

  2. lemon juice

  3. use bleach, like one cup.(totally safe for dishes too, just make sure it's rinsed clean).

    then do a empty wash.

    if still yucky, use baking soda and peroxide.

    then do another empty wash.

    if still gross, use vinegar.

    also run some down the garbage disposal (while it's on).

  4. Get your husband to clean the dishwasher out with bleach and water by hand. if he does a half-### job, get him to do it again. Then pour 1/8 cup of bleach in the bottom of the washer and run a rinse-only or quick cycle. Don't add detergent. Follow with another cycle with just water.

  5. I put about 1/2 cup or so of Clorox bleach in my dishwasher and run it to kill odors .. you may need to wipe it out with a stronger solution of bleach water to kill all the mildew out of it, before running the clorox in it. Good luck!

  6. put a dish of baking soda in there and close the door and let it sit for a couple of days then remove the soda and run the dishwasher empty and the smell should be gone.

  7. a few washes will improve things.  in the future, complete your tasks as you do them better.

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