
How do I get hubby to realize I'm not exaggerating my morning sickness?

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I'm 9 weeks pregnant with morning sickness that lasts all day. Hubby knows that I have vommited, have dry heaves and am nauseous all day long. He sees that all I eat(if I eat) is crackers and soup and sometimes I can't keep that down! Last night he brought home some pupusas and I couldn't take the smell. I was sitting next to him but as soon as he opened the bag I had to walk away because the smell was awful. He asked where I was going and I told him I had to get away from the awful smell. His response was "oh come on, you love pupusas, stop over reacting." Then today he asked if I could make him mac and cheese and hot dogs for lunch so I did. I obviously got sick making it and went to lie down right after I finished(he was in the shower while I was making it so he didn't hear me gagging). He served himself and asked if I wanted some and I said "no, I got sick enough just making it, I know I can't eat it". Again, he said, "stop exaggerating, how can it make you sick?" I told him to stop telling me that I am exaggerating. I said "be honest, do you really think me, someone who normally loves to eat would be faking that food makes me sick?" Then he asks, "so what are you going to eat then?" and I told him that I didn't feel like eating. He said "you have to eat something!" I actually felt okay today until I made him lunch...I've felt awful ever since...that was 4 hours ago:( I need some support here, I feel so helpless...I want to feel better, I want to eat normally again...but my body is going thru so much. Why can't he understand that?




  1. most guys dont understand pregnancy and all that goes with it but maby if he goes with you to the drs checks then maby he can ask the dr and they will explain it to him

  2. You just answered my question...thank you.  My baby is due in March also.  Yes, this sickness thing is horrible isn't it.  My man decided he doesn't want anything to do with me now.  we were together for 5 years and broke up and got back together...i got preggo...then he went back to the girl he was with before he met me and no longer calls me or anything (he knows about the baby)..when we were together all he wanted was to have kids with me and now look!!!!  Anyways he would (if we were together) be the same way that your hubby is being but probably worse and more rude about it.  But when HE is sick...look out..the world stops turning!!  Hey girl, good luck with your baby!  THis is my first one too.  At least you will have a man by your side thru all o this.  I wish you the best of luck ever!!!

  3. To be honest, it's probably not the mature way of handling it, but I would probably look him right in the eye and say, "have you ever been nauseous, on the verge of puking, (like when you have food poisoning or something) and the thought of food only made you more nauseous? Because the next time you are that sick to your stomach, I'm going to wave a bowl of mac and cheese in your face and say, 'stop exaggerating, how can being nauseous make you not want to eat this cheesy delight?'"

    You're going to be feeling a lot of things in this pregnancy that he can't imagine because he's not a woman. He needs to be quiet and not question what you're feeling.

  4. he's a guy.  i'm sorry you have to deal with him being a s*****k.  take him to a doctor's appointment, or else stop doing things for him.

  5. Husbands can be jerks sometimes. My husband was like that and i would get pissed at him... We are sensible enough and they come with their stupid remarks.... they can't understand until they get pregnant themselves.. thats what i told my husband, that next time he will be the one pregnant, and i tell him we are only having 1 kid.

  6. You should just go to him and ask him if he's ever been pregnant and when he says no you should say "exactly". Plus, whenever someone's preggo, you usually think that mostly every smell is gross and it makes you nauseas. You need to have a serious talk with him and tell him that that's what happens when a girl is preggo. We get sick from every smell (even his cologne). If he doesn't understand this and keeps being an a**hole then tell him to sleep on the couch or floor until he can actually understand that you're serious. That's what I would do.  

  7. You just need to calm down and sit down and have a rational conversation, no tears or anything and explain to him that food is making you sick, it's the first stage of pregnancy.  

    It is absolutely normal for you to be feeling like this, I use to have to leave the house when my husband made his own dinner because it totally grossed me out.  I couldn't even make dinner for him, ugh.  As soon as I got over it, I was very much into food and I'm sure you will be too.

    What helped me was water with lemon slices in it.  Lemon is suppose to help with the nausea.  Lemonade might be helpful, but just plain old water with lemon worked for me, soda crackers too.  

    When you're feeling sick and need to lie down ask him to please just support you and not get upset.  You should realize that he had no inkling on what it feels like and to him it must seem like exagerating because you were never like this before.  Hang in there, this is just one of the blessings of becoming a mother.

    Oh, another thing I did was get one of those what to expect when you're expecting books and put it on the back of the toilet and removed all other reading materials.  When he didn't have any other reading materials he would thumb through it, asking me how far along I was.

    Good luck!

  8. He sounds really insenstive and unloving in this area of your life.  I had bad morning sicknesses too, so I know what you're going through.  My hubby was such a sweety-pie, he made himself available to me to be at my becking call, even though he was so busy and under stress at work.  If your hubby wants a relationship with you, then he needs to learn how to love you in this way: to understand that you're going through he'll, and to be more tender and supportive.  If not, then just stop making his meals, and go live with a friend or, even better, your mom for a while and let her take care of you.  Moms are so good at that, my mom was awesome when I was sick.  She really understood too, having been there herself.  Well I hope this helps, take care.  

  9. My husband did the same thing. didn't understand why I didn't want t get out of bed in the morning, would complain because i wasn't eating enough and i should just try harder.  I eventually had to go online and find some videos and info to help "dads" understand. I had him watch and read them with me while I pointed out exactly what my symptoms were and how I felt. It helped a lot.  Although I don't think he still fully understands how I feel, he at least stopped making comments and bothering me about stuff.

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