I'm 9 weeks pregnant with morning sickness that lasts all day. Hubby knows that I have vommited, have dry heaves and am nauseous all day long. He sees that all I eat(if I eat) is crackers and soup and sometimes I can't keep that down! Last night he brought home some pupusas and I couldn't take the smell. I was sitting next to him but as soon as he opened the bag I had to walk away because the smell was awful. He asked where I was going and I told him I had to get away from the awful smell. His response was "oh come on, you love pupusas, stop over reacting." Then today he asked if I could make him mac and cheese and hot dogs for lunch so I did. I obviously got sick making it and went to lie down right after I finished(he was in the shower while I was making it so he didn't hear me gagging). He served himself and asked if I wanted some and I said "no, I got sick enough just making it, I know I can't eat it". Again, he said, "stop exaggerating, how can it make you sick?" I told him to stop telling me that I am exaggerating. I said "be honest, do you really think me, someone who normally loves to eat would be faking that food makes me sick?" Then he asks, "so what are you going to eat then?" and I told him that I didn't feel like eating. He said "you have to eat something!" I actually felt okay today until I made him lunch...I've felt awful ever since...that was 4 hours ago:( I need some support here, I feel so helpless...I want to feel better, I want to eat normally again...but my body is going thru so much. Why can't he understand that?