
How do I get in contact with a university in Santiago, Chile for possible employment opportunities - teaching

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Currently undertaking a PhD - and have a TESOL as well!




  1. There are hundreds of universities in Santiago!

    In the Chilean educational system there are basically two kinds of universities: private and publicly supported (they call them "traditional"). State universities are the most prestigious, although some older private universities are catching up quickly and could offer better employment opportunities.

    Keep in mind that the academic year starts in March.

    Most universities have websites both in English and Spanish, so here is a list of the most relevant (that I can think of) in Santiago. If you google them you can find the website and contacts.

    Traditional Universities in Santiago:

    Universidad de Chile

    (Pontificia) Universidad Catolica de Chile

    Universidad de Santiago

    Private Universities in Santiago

    Universidad del Desarrollo

    Universidad Diego Portales

    Universidad Central

    Universidad Gabriela Mistral

    Other universities in other Chilean cities

    Universidad de Concepcion

    Universidad Austral de Valdivia

    Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso

    Universidad de Valparaiso

    I hope it helps!

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