
How do I get in contact with my birth mother?

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I would prefer to not have to tell my parents about it, if thats possible.




  1. If you are over 18, you are legally eligible to start looking. I used the International Soundex Reunion Registry (ISRR). Ironically, I didn't find my parents because the birth records were reversed mother/father, but the mother found me because I registered.

  2. hi, i am guessing you are adopted and know about it.

    my first guess would be throught the adoption agency if you know who they are... or birth,deaths and marriages who register your birth as that may have her name on it, but depending on your age this can be hard, and she may have elected for you to not be told and in that case there is no real way to find out who she is as it would be breaking her privacy for you to find out, maybe when your ready sit down with your parnets and talk to them about it just remember she is only your birth mum and may not be what you expect and remind them that they are the ones that raised you and you love them and dont want to hurt them.....when they adopted you they must of expected that one day you would ask questions good luck with what ever you do....

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