
How do I get into Comic-con?

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Okay i have always wanted to go to comic-con...but I have no idea how! Could someone tell me? I mean..i know you have to pay...but i just dont know.. a) where it is. b) how much it is. c) how far in advance do you have to book it?

Please help. =]




  1. Well, you missed this years by a couple of weeks. Comic-Con will be held July 23-26, 2009, at the San Diego Convention Center. Because it is so early, there is no information about registering yet; but usually, as far as these conventions go, you have the chance to register about 9 months ahead of time, and then the registration period will probably end a month before the Comic-Con. You can also register on site, but it will be more expensive then pre-registering.

    Keep an eye on this website, so you can register early and get the cheapest rate possible. Have fun!:

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