
How do I get mice out of my house without killing them?

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How do I get mice out of my house without killing them?




  1. Buy a Flute and play the Pied Piper song and lead them right out the front door. LOL

  2. I used the same traps as Lolli P described, but a few words of caution:

    1.  Don't let them go anywhere near your home (or anyone elses for that matter) as the will come right back in.

    2.  DON'T FORGET THE TRAP!!!!  I've done that a few times...remembered the trap a few DAYS later...not a pretty site.

  3. You can buy a mouse repellent.  Bonide makes one called Mouse Magic which is a granular base with both spearmint and peppermint oil on it.  Mice don't like it because it burns their eyes and nose, but it's harmless both to mice and to pets and kids.  It is not effective against rats (too big and ornery), but it also works great to repel bats.

    Should be at your local Ace Hardware Store.

    Bug Doc

  4. Put up a sign that reads:  "Attention mice:  This way to the great egress." with an arrow.

  5. we once had rats in our garage and we bought some "live traps" they are little cages that you set bait in and when the rodent goes inside it closes shut on both sides, trapping them inside. then you can take the cage somewhere away from your house and let it go.

  6. sawed off shotty

    that doesnt help you but d**n that would be fun

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