
How do I get money back from my sister?

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Long story short, I burrowed money to my sister and I am sick of asking for the money back.. I know sometimes you have to let the money go.. to save the relationship with your family but i could really use it. I'm still a college student and money doesn't really walk on the streets for me. I just wanted to help her at one point in her life and it's been over 2 years now. So far she just paid me half of it back, but asking for it back was like getting a new grey hair. I love my sister, and she knows she could always count on me, but I think that if i did her a big favor she should at least inform me about not being able to pay me back and work something out with me.. Instead i have this feeling that she keeps hiding from me.. What should I do? Let it go or keep asking? Thx




  1. sue her or steal it back  

  2. After two years you might as well write it off and take the loss. Just keep in mind that from now on there will be no borrowing money from you no matter how badly she to cries to you for help. It's one thing if she would have been straight with you about not being able to pay you back, but to duck out on you is just plain low down and you have a right to feel used. You're not the only one who lost out here as she has lost out by selling her integrity which may forever cost her the trust you had in her. Your situation has gone on for so long that it serves no purpose to keep reminding her. That will only make you more angry which won't help your disposition and still won't get your money back. The only way you may recover anything from this is to deduct the money owed from any future birthday or holiday gifts that you would have normally spent on her. Whatever the case, just remember the old saying that goes " if you lend something away be prepared to never see it again because once it leaves your hand it's gone forever". When it comes to money people usually act very crude and even vicious. Family members are no exceptions when in fact they'll use that as an excuse to slide off the hook from paying anything back.  In the long run it's her loss because she may need your help someday and you won't be there to help.

  3. I have the same issues with my brother, so what I started doing to help him is deal with the problem directly. If he calls and cries about needing money because he has no clothes I will buy him some clothes. If he can't pay a bill I will get the bill info and send in the payment directly to them, if he needs groceries I will buy the groceries or get a gift card to walmart. There are ways to help family, you just have to be smarter than them. My brother usually never takes me up on my offers and he doesn't call much anymore. He just wanted party money and used any excuse to get it.

  4. Forget about the money and heed this old saying the next time someone asks you for money "Never a borrower or a lender be." You are never going to get the money back from your sister and regardless of you being a college student out of money (maybe you should start budgeting bettter) that money is gone, gone, gone.  Next time she comes to you for money tell her no, but you will help her work out a budget.

  5. ok what you should do is wait for her to come home and tie her to a chair and beat her until she gives you back the money. It worked with my bank manager.

  6. In my opinion I think you should ask her, just not too often. You don't want to nag her. But on the other hand if you don't ask her, she will think oh she forgot about it or it doesn't matter any more. And also ask her about it, instead of asking where is my money, ask hey about my money, are you having problems? or you need help? maybe she is having a hard time with it. and if she isn't having a hard time with it and is not giving it to you for whatever, than let it go and move on. esp. since it's been this long. Hope I helped

  7. ask   here  why

  8. quit asking. then a few months from now tell her you need to borrow some money and see if that works. try to never loan money to family or friends ,you most likely wont get it back...

  9. I think this approach can only ruin your relationship with your sister. I mean, the best solution is to sit down with her and tell her sincerely how you feel about it, you was generous and she hurt you by not paying back, ask her why, but be appreciative, not offensive.And ensure her that if she has a problem, financial or any other, you'll always be there to help her.

    Honesty is always the best choice. And after all, she's your sister, you should be able to talk with her about almost anything, and if you do so, your relationship is going to imrove significantly as well.

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