
How do I get more aggressive??

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I'm in a school rugby match tommorw, and I'm a good tackler but I need to know how to get agressive beofre the match. Visualising the other team is someoen I hate isn't working, so I need help!




  1. Think about what makes you angry in life(you should have something) then visualise that situation and get yourself pumped.Also what i find works is just give yourself a hit on the shoulder or two a little pain always gets you angry and it will losen your shoulders up nicely for the game.

  2. Don't !!! Aggression could lead to you doin something silly n getting carded!!

    The desire to do well for your team mates should be all the aggression you need.

    failing that you could try the slaps to the face method?!?!?

  3. Actually despite what you have heard, you DON'T need to be more aggressive.  What you need is to increase your intensity and work load. I used to allow myself 60 seconds between tackles, or plays and my goal was to be involved in 40 plays each half. The most effective players are those who go looking for work. Despite positional play and coaching, simple communication with your team mates lets you get involved without being out of position.

    People waste their energy, psyching themselves up for a "big hit". Skill will always win over brute force in the long run. If they cant catch you, they don't get the ball do they?

  4. You've gotta make sure you keep your anger controlled after you get pumped... WIth the adrenalin rushing, it's easy to lose your head and could cost you dearly... Go in for the first tackle, and really put everything behind it, you don't need to be aggresive to do that... All going well, you'll feel more pumped and you'll be trying everything more...

    Before the game, if you want to build ureself up, put on some music that really makes you feel good... Something that makes your stomach lurch... And just talk to yourself saying things like "I'm gonna go out there, and put my back behind every tackle" "I can do this, just got to go out and give it my all"... It does work, if you keep repeating it... Block out everything around you (unless your coach is talking) and just sit and go through it... Or you could find a quiet room and do it... It works for most people and is a well known form of motivation...

  5. darrel H IS SPOT ON.

    just visualise ,making spectacular tackles and hear everyone commenting on how brilliant they were. if you do this right you should be lookin forward to the game tomorow.

  6. You shouldn't need to be too aggressive. If you lose your head you can make a mistake, in Rugby this is fatal.

    Get pumped by watching the Haka or some loud music but never go out there with the intention of taking someones head off. If you put it all behind the tackle and miss they will probably go on to score.

  7. Why dont you m********e and stop before you *** I saw it on a episode of CSI once

  8. drink cofee (but wash it up with water or you´ll dehydrate a lot) or listen to loud, obnoxious music.

  9. Put some deep heat on your nuts

  10. First, calm yourself down.  Focus on getting aggressive, and then...crank up some Slayer.  That gets me ready to smash someone.

  11. Focus on how much you want to win and there all enemies in your way. (trust me it works!)

  12. Think about the opposition gang banging your mum.

    Actually, no. she'd love that. So it might not work.

  13. calm down, you dont need to be going out like that no matter what any coach says about beating the other team, you wont think straight, you need to see the bigger picture if you're too focused on hitting one man you may not see that he has already passed the ball out!

    yellowcellica- lol, think i saw that episode too

  14. just find a nice quiet place to  sit and gather your thoughts its not about being aggressive its about being fearless   when your on defence remember that and may the force be with you

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