
How do I get more air under the golf ball?

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I have a tendency to hit many tee box and fairway shots very low. I can get about 200 yards after a good roll using my driver. I have tried teeing up the balls higher, but with no success. I have measured my clubs and appear to be using a proper length clubs for my height and wrist to ground distance. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.




  1. If you hit your driver 200 yards including roll, then you dont yet have enough clubhead speed to hit it but so high.  Make sure your driver has enough loft-at least 12 degrees and has a regular shaft.  By regular, I mean not stiff.  Beyohnd that, work on your technique so that your clubhead speed increases and that will add loft to your shots.

  2. it sounds like you are hitting the ball on a more down swing try moving the ball just inside your lead foot if you right handed line the ball up with your left heel then you should hit the ball on a up swing

  3. Although it might be the proper length for your height, but you might be using a driver that has too little loft and shaft flex is simply not suitable for your swing speed.

    If the equipment is not the problem, then you should visit a teaching pro to seek help on it.

  4. With irons you need to hit down on the ball to get it to go higher in the air.  Move the ball back in your stance with iron shots.  With the driver you need to catch the ball on the upswing so tee it higher and move it forward in your stance.  Of course you might develope directional problems, but the ball will go higher.  Another more radical approach is to change your swing entirely to a more upright plane.  Good luck.

  5. get under the ball and follow thru with your swing

  6. put the ball up in your stance more

  7. ya probably gotta get the club right under the ball and make sure your swinging up enough

  8. Sounds to me like you are pressing your hand forward too much at address which closes your clubhead face  making your shots line drives. Try this tip to help. Dont ground your driver at address just keep it slightly off the ground and the start your backswing it will keep you from pressing your hand forward and your ball flight will have a higher trajectory.

  9. Get bigger tees and tee it up higher

  10. An easy fix is putting the ball farther forward in your stance. Also, remember to swing DOWN on the ball and let the club pick it up. Sounds like youre trying to "help" it up and hitting it thin. Just relax and let the club do that work.

  11. Line the ball up closer to your front foot. This will help The club lift the ball.

  12. If you continue to have a low trajectory, this is often cause by a swing that causes the clubface to de-loft.  That is the main thing that needs to be fixed.  Therefore, the proper impact will give proper ball flight.  The shaft should not be too far forward at impact because this will decrease the loft.  Generally, the farther you place the ball forward in your stance, the more loft that you should obtain.  However, you should not really go past the inside part of your heel when using the driver.  7-9 irons and your wedges should be around the center of your stance.  If this position of your driver does not work, the problem is elsewhere.  If you are hitting low and hooking the ball, you might want to change to a weaker grip.  Look for golf balls with a higher launch angle.  Furthermore, if you have a below average swing, try to swing faster as long as you maintain control.  Professional golfers use drivers with 8 or 9 degrees of loft.  They can typically hit the ball with the same trajectory as say, an average golfer with 12 degrees of loft because they generally swing the club faster.  If all else fails, look for a driver with more than 12 degrees of loft and fairway woods with more loft than what you currently have.  Hope that helps…

  13. Hit a bucket with your chin down on your chest until the ball is gone. If your right arm is kept in and you allow your upper body to (relax man!) pivot, then I bet you climb to 250. Go get 'em.

  14. move the ball to the inside of ur left foot (if ur right handed) . use a medium size tee. these dont break as often.  place the ball on the tee and put ur driver behind it. the ball should b about 3/4 below the top of the driver and 1/4 above the driver. this gives the most distance and accuracy

  15. Move your stance back about 2 inches. You can play with this a little to get your ball lifting properly. You will find your swing is going to be in the sweet spot. By back I mean opposite direction of the direction your hitting, not actually backing up.

    You can check your swing by having someone or putting a camera on a tripod and hitting some balls. Pay close attention to the angle of the club when you connect. Then Video one of your friends and compare the difference.

  16. It sounds like you are coming out of your stance at impact which makes the shot come out lower.  Maintain your stance through impact to get the proper height on your shots.  I've noticed that myself.  I tend to come out of my stance at impact sometimes and my shots are lower.  Think down and through at impact so that all the grooves on your irons come into play and you hit a flush shot.

  17. Use a club with more angle to the blade.

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