
How do I get more flexible for cheer leading?

by Guest61789  |  earlier

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I really to do cheer leading,but I am not very flexible at all,how do i get more flexible?Also,my parents don't want me to get hurt,should they really be worried?




  1. to get more flexible, stretch daily and hold stretches for 30 seconds each. it helps if you warm up your muscles first by jumping jacks, running, a hot bath, etc. your parents can worry i guess because people do get hurt, but serious injuries dont happen if you concentrate on what you are doing and perform skills safely within your level. cheerleading is much more than flexibility too. to prepare for tryouts, you should also work on jumps and maybe join a tumbling class. good luck!

  2. Make sure you stretch alot.

    I stretch for atleast 30 mintues a day to make sure i don't pull anything.

    But most importantly before you even do that make sure you warm up.

    I also find that soaking in Epsom Salts helps a great deal, my coach tells me if makes you a little more flexible.

    Through time you'll see a great change in how flexible you are because i sure know i did.

    As for you getting hurt, as my coach says "real cheerleaders get hurt" and that's because the only way you'll get better at something is if you fall down and learn how to correct yourself so yes you will probably get a little soreness or bruises. So if your doing a stunt and your a flyer make sure you don't freak out, when i say that i mean STAY TIGHT don't throw your arms around and panic because this makes it hard for bases to catch you. If your a base, always keep your eye on the flyer and make sure you try and catch her if you see she's falling.

    Good luck and have fun. (:

  3. Lose weight by eating smaller meals, no larger than an apple or package of oatmeal in total volume at a time.  

    Break a sweat before you start stretching.  

    Stretch static stretches first, dynamic stretches next, ballistic stretches after that, and PNF stretches last.  

    Increase your hydration.

    Consider cross training in martial arts or gymnastics.

    Don't forget about stretching your lowerback and upperbody as well as your lower body.


    do this 1 time a day for 3 weeks

    well whenever u stretch dont bounce cuz then u will get hurt

  5. yes there are many injuries to cheerleading, its in fact one of the most injury causing sports to girls in the US, but honestly, just make sure you keep yourself alert and aware. DONT DROP THE FLYER, the worst youll get is a kick in the face(and thats the worst, barely ever happens, only in hard stunts), so really your parents just need to understand that this is something you really want to do, and you're ready.

    as far as flexibility, stretch everyday. dont ever just say "ill stretch really hard tomorrow", you're only cheating yourself. side and center splits defffffffinately help with jumps :). then when you get good at that, start doing oversplits by either putting your leg on a wall and pushing into a split past 180 degrees, or put your heel on a step and do a split on it, try to get to the floor. if you're the flyer, you also need back flexibility, so do bridges/backbends and try to grab youre ankles, this will help with scorpions :)

    hope i helped! :D

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