
How do I get more points quickly?

by  |  earlier

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How can I get a lot of points in a little bit of time or if you cant get points fast tell me so I know because I dont know




  1. answer questions

  2. answer more questions.

    vote or give ppl thumbs up or thumbs down?

  3. I don't think you get points for giving people Thumbs up or down but you receive points if people give you a thumbs up/down for your answer.  You just have to answer a lot of questions with really great responses.

    Pick me as best answer and I'll give you a thumbs up whenever I see you answered a question  :)  Also, you get points for choosing a best answer to the questions you asked.

    I starred your question as interesting... I think you'll get a point for that too...

  4. I have been looking into this myself lol

    Log in every day for 1 pt each day.

    Answer 20 questions a day for 40pts each day.

    Vote for best answer on 20 questions for 20 pts each day.

    You can also do 10 comments a day and 10 stars but I haven't found them yet lol..

    basically just come on as often as possible.

  5. try to get 2 computers or one fast computer. make 2 yahoo answers accounts. Then ask questions on one and answer with the other. Then rate yourself best answer. Extremely fast. You'll get to level 4 on one weekend if you're bored enough.

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