
How do I get more power in my swing?

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I play rec ball, Fall ball and Travel ball and i still havent hit a home run this year. i would like to find a way to get power in my swing. Any ideas?




  1. K i am 5'7 135 and im not that strong but i can hit a ball 380 feet and i play varsity and im a freshman. u do not need extreme power but u do need fast hands and u need to use ur hips. practice ur mechanics and be sure u have a nice swing.if u are at practice batting when the ball is released bring ur front leg foward and ur bat back on like a 40degree angle  and whne u swing be sure to aim the k**b of the bat to the ball and and ur back elbow should go into ur rib cage but ur hands must be level if u dip ur hands the ball will go up.and use ur hips time the ball with ur hips and just explode out of ur *** and be sure to finish ur swing all ur wieght should be back and w\e u do stay off ur front leg ur back leg should be firmly planted. be sure ur hips are in front of ur arms and keep ur eyes on the ball  


  3. Workout your forearms and legs to get more power.  Bat speed and swing type usually define the type of hitter you will be, some people are not power hitters.  If you are not a power hitter work on hitting the gaps and getting faster.    

  4. keep your head down and snap your hips also have a level swing

  5. You have to work out, get some strength in you so that you are able to hit the ball hard.  A way to get some bat speed is to go to a pool and swing under water.  I remember seeing Kevin Mitchell do that, I think he only did it in 1989.  The bat is very hard to swing underwater so it should help you build some muscle and improve your bat speed.

  6. Get more strength: Work out your forearms. I use a hand-squeezer thing, like this [ ]

    Strong hitters have strong forearms, because it's all in the way you "turn" the bat forward with your wrists in the middle of the swing [which is the moment you make contact with the ball]

  7. You really need to use you hips and your whole body and not just your arms!!!!!!

    If your doing that it might be your bat!!!!!!

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