
How do I get more traffic to my restaurant?

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We just open a restaurant that serve authentic lao food. But we are little but hidden , we are behind other restuarants. But we get about 6 to 7 people a day. But. Some people see us some people don't when they drive by, Is there restaurants out there who are in a bad location but are successful.




  1. offer your guest's a cupon for a small discount for their return and a discount to offer to their friends for a first visit..

  2. I know I use google a lot to search for restaurants I've missed.

    Google as if you are looking for a restaurant in your neighborhood.  Many of the restaurant directory sites you find will allow you to add your restaurant.  Keep looking through your google hits.  A lot of the directories will be useless, but you'll find some that are really high powered (e.g. searching by cuisine, price, etc).  AOL city guide, for example.  Your local newspaper probably also has an online restaurant guide.

  3. Have flyers/website/or small pennysavers type publications made up with coupons and menu of your food, advertising is always a great place to start.

    Good Luck

  4. get a flyer guy . and do some promotion like cheap deals

  5. You should have advertising dollars set into your budget to begin with.  I know it is something you cannot afford, but something you cannot afford NOT to do.

    A great way to attract business is to give samples of your food away, is there a few small businesses around that you could take a meal to? Prepare a few money makers and specialty dishes and take them over, with take away menus.

    Offer a buy 10 meals get one free to those businesses.

    Once people start coming in the door, set up a fishbowl, for busines cards and give away one fre lunch a month or something.

    Once people know your food is good, they will be back and there will be know need to give it away.

    Getting out to meet your business neighbors I think is the best way to generate your new business.

    Flyer's are great, but lots of people think them to be nuisances, look how many just get tossed on the ground.

    Radio ads are effective

    EDIT* Your potential customers also need to know there is a difference between Laos-ian (?sp) and other Asian or Chineese type food, especially if you are in the US.

    Generally people will assume its "just another Chineese food place".

  6. Golden Rule in starting a business...

    Location, location, location!    That said, to create more traffic to your location, you will need some flyers and an agressive adv. campain. Use the off the beaten path as a hook, saying "well kept secret, or worth the effort to find us"!

  7. Yes, especially if it is on the menu.

  8. It won't matter where you are located if you serve great food.  If your food is great, your best advertisement is from your customers.  My husband and I have gone to some distant out of the way places at the advice of others who have dined ther.

  9. Advertise. Take ads out in newspapers, local magazines, etc. Make sure people know it's Lao and not Chinese or Thai. A lot of businesses where I live are behind other businesses. They put out those little signs (look like tiny sandwich boards) on the sidewalk by their business. Get one and have it say something like:

    **Restaurant Name**

    Authentic Lao Food

    **your hours**

    You could probably invite a food critic to come by. That could give you some really good publicity.

  10. to get people to come they HAVE to know you are there, and they have to know that you are good, and different to the other million eateries in the vacinity

    so you dont get people walking past? then get a couple of staff to go to where people are and hand out flyers and tasters, once people get a taste of what you do  they are bound to want to come, give them an incentive, a voucher on the flyer for some sort of promotion

    the food industry is a hard one, you have to fight for survival

    get out there and get yourself noticed

  11. Restaurant promotion can be effective tool of driving customer traffic, generating sales, and creating customer loyalty. Sizeable increases in revenues can be achieved with simple restaurant promotional techniques available to big budgets and shoestring marketers alike. You may choose among thousands of possible tactics to drive revenues using mass-media or even without their participation.

    A combination of marketing and advertising events, bar and restaurant promotions are critical to the success of building a restaurant’s reputation and business.

    Check out this site for more info.

    Good luck!!!

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