
How do I get motivated to play basketball?

by Guest33853  |  earlier

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I am a talented athletic person and I want to play PG, hopefully in the NBA, no less.

Right now I am a sophomore and am going to play basketball but recently I have had trouble motivating myself to play basketball.

I have already dropped out on soccer and football and I don't want to give up basketball.

I go out at 5 in the morning everyday and run, then back out at 8 to shoot hoops at the school.

But once I get back after that, I go to the backyard and dribble and shoot only for like 1-2 hours after that. It is summer and I take the ball everywhere I go with it but I don't use it as much.

I know that if I really want to be good I should be playing every minute I can, and I also know that I might be pushing myself too hard and need to take a rest.

What are some motivations I can get?

I just moved into town and know nobody and I am the only child and have pushed myself all these 15 years but it is starting to be more difficult. Also school starts in like 3 weeks




  1. challenge yourself...set goals for yourself and try and do them..start by making the basketball team for your high school..then  by making varsity..once u do that keep finding different goals to keep pushing yourself to be better

  2. Go watch like the best NBA moves or shots or something on you tube that will get my pumped usually. Or listen to some music that makes you want to get out there. Play with a friend and get really into it and stuff and winner has bragging rights, it can get interesting. I also moved to a new town, I try to work alot harder after that so I can impress the new coach and hear say stuff like "we ain't got that around here"

    p.s. PG is a great position!

  3. I played soccer for 11 years and had to stop sadly due to knee surgery but what always motivated me was having my friends come over and help me practice. It's good to have practice time by your self but if you're playing with friends, it's conversational and competitive, it make inspire you to play more and work harder so you can beat them. Does anyone in your family play or did they? Maybe dad? Ask for some pointers. And last but definitely not least, good music. If you like rap or rock, make a mix of your favorite songs to get you pumped. A little Eye Of The Tiger always gets me pumped! :D Good luck.  

  4. go to the school you attend and see if they have a team, and also see if you can some how contact the coach. this will be good because the coach will know you are interested in playing.if you contact the coach tell him your story. also, if you can, find another team like a traveling/AAU basketball team near you.this will definatly help you because you play more people with different styles of play. MOTIVATION = watch some highlight videos on youtube of MJ or who ever you idolize.ALSO try and listen to some of your favorite music.I do this lik a hour before a game so i can get pumped.My song of choice, Pretender by Foo Fighters.

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