
How do I get my 10 yr old son to stop sucking his thumb?

by Guest44835  |  earlier

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How do I get my 10 yr old son to stop sucking his thumb?




  1. when did your child start to suck him thumb? at 10 yrs old sounds like drastic measures need to be taken.

  2. In drug store they have NON-toxic oil that you put on the child thumb and he will probably stop.

  3. put tabasco sauce on it

  4. put pepper salt and hot sauce on it or threaten to take away all his toys and c**p

  5. give him something else to suck candy or a mint or something

    hope that helped

  6. put viniger or hot sauce on it. it will teach him to stop

  7. Maybe put soap on it or even lemon juice, that would for sure get  him to stop.

  8. good Q , but if it make it easier for you, my son is 25 ,engaged   to a nice girl  ,student, and is still sucking his thumb


    Okay, I'll answer your question. Next time you catch him doing that, snap a picture of him and post it on his myspace and facebook, and let the fun begin!

  10. Put some pepper sauce on it!

  11. I don't know if this will work ~ but you know those nail varnish to preventing people from chewing their nails... They are edible but taste really really bitter... erk. if you apply that to the thumbs he would stop eventually?

  12. Buy some of that stuff you use when your tring to stop bitting your nails. It tastes bad so the child will not bite the nail. Same with your son. He won't suck his thumb if it tastes bad. I hope this helped.


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