
How do I get my 11 year old son to sleep more?

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My eleven year old son will not fall asleep until after midnight and wakes up early in the morning. i've tried tiring him out during the day and that does not work. I am trying to get him back on track before school starts. HELP!!!




  1. I didn't sleep much when I was 4 and then my mom had me hypnotized to sleep.

  2. Start getting him up at the time he will need to be up in order to get ready for school.  Hopefully he gets himself out of bed dressed and ready which is his responsibility anyway.

  3. what is he doing when he's awake? tv in his room? computer? video games????? if he is laying in his bed in the dark and STILL cannot fall asleep try getting him to read, take a warm shower at night, Sleepy Time Tea (check dosage/ age), Melatonin (again, check age)...

    If there is a bunch of stuff for him to do in his room or the house he's not going to want to go to bed....

  4. im 12 and bye a hapter book HE might like read a chapter a day give him hot choclet (ppl dont know hot milk taste horble!) maybe a pill like benatril or a advil i take 2 bc im 5' 8 1/2" and 114 pounds... for sum reson advil knocks me out... i would live for my mom to to do that to me!!! you son is luckie he has a loving mom who doent verbly abouse him... keep itup and he will not have night mares about his mom killing him.......  

  5. slip a xanax bar into his warm milk at nite  


  7. If he is waking early and isn't tired throughout the day, maybe thats all sleep he needs?

    You could always try telling him to have a bath or shower before bed, have a hot milo or something also. Im sure if he was tired, he would sleep though, so i wouldn't worry too much :)

  8. Well when I was about 11. My mom got me hooked on these goosebump books. Then everynight she would make me take a bath. I would stay in the tub for hours. When I got out I would read my book till I fell asleep. She got nervous about me falling asleep in the tub so she checked on me every 30 minutes if I got to quiet. I couldnt really go out to far in my neighborhood since it was dangerous. But I always fell to sleep after a long bath. Or a warm glass of milk. I think its instinct or something if you were breast feed to fall asleep after warm milk. But when school started she would do this. It pissed me off but it worked. About a 2 weeks before school started she would make me go to bed at 8:00. Man I was mad. No lights on. No television. Just a lamp and a book. Under the covers and dont be getting up to play that bathroom game. Didnt get to many whoopens cause I know she was serious and I did what she said. Her whoopens and punishments were rough. But the books help alot. I ended up fallen asleep if I aint feel like reading. Then when I started liking books I would stay up late so she would come and cut my lamp off at like 10. I got mad at that. Like d**n momma I wanna read lol. Its all good though. Im 22 now and the good part is I became a writer. Sorta political but imaginary to. If you remember goosebumps. In case you have not noticed by this long paragraph. Good luck though in whatever you figure out what to do miss. See ya. Detroit.  

  9. hit him jk

    give him warm milk before going to sleep trust me in works for 10 points =)

  10. Make him go to bed earlier and even if he says he is not sleeping, if he is in a dark quiet room I bet he will fall asleep quickly.  You are the parent- act like it.  I would not be letting a kid that young stay up past 10 anytime, school or not.  

  11. I know

    If you realy want him to sleep.....

    make him read before his bed time 8:00 to 8:30

    if this doesn't work try makeing him honey and warm milk combo before bead

    or give him tummy rubs or massages

    camamile tea is also great

    try to make his bedtime earlyier  than usual

  12. Limit activity time and set a curfew. A warm glass of milk usually helps you fall asleep; the calcium increases blood flow to help muscles relax.

    If you think he's dealing with insomnia, you may want to see a doctor.

  13. Some people dont need as much sleep like me and you.

    He will be fine as long as he is sleeping when it feels right for him and, does he act tired during the day?

  14. trust me, in a couple of years you will be dragging him out of bed and dressing him yourself just to get him out the door.  enjoy it while you can cause it will NOT last.

  15. punch him in the face. he will be asleep for a looong time

  16. Wow, I'm sorry you received so many rude answers.

    The question is, is he actually feeling tired and having trouble sleeping?  Or is he completely O.K. with going to bed at midnight and waking up just a few hours later?

    It may just be that he's not needing much for sleep right now.  Now that he's at an age where he can really help himself and understand his own body, if he starts to have trouble staying awake during the day because of his sleeping habits at night, he's likely to put himself to bed earlier.

    Trust me, if he's doing fine with a few hours sleep, be thankful.  The wonderful teenage years are just around the corner.  You're going to wish he would get up early when you're trying to drag him out of bed for high school and it feels like nothing's ever going to wake him.  Trust me.

  17. you run him hard get testosterone outta him

  18. He needs to keep a bedtime schedule. Give him a bedtime, and at that time he must be in his bed, in his room. If he sincerely cannot fall asleep, maybe allow him to read for 30-60 minutes before lights must be out. His body will get on that clock, and soon reading will become a ritual that will signal to his mind that it's time to go to bed. Reading is best, it's calmer than TV or the computer.

    If he sincerely cannot fall asleep still, just laying in his bed and resting his body will be good for him.

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