
How do I get my 12 yr old son to stop swearing 24/7? and HOT SAUCE doesnt work. I need real advice...TY?

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How do I get my 12 yr old son to stop swearing 24/7? and HOT SAUCE doesnt work. I need real advice...TY?




  1. When his friends come over, use the same language he uses in front of them. It will embarrass him. And when he tells you to stop, inform him that THAT is what he sounds like as well and he can see first hand it is NOT cool.  And if that doesn't work, at 12 years old he is just being defiant. Everytime he cusses, take something away from him.

  2. Spank him and treat him like a baby by making him wear nothing but a diaper for two weeks from the time he gets home till the time he gets up the next morning.

  3. Use a swearing jar. everytime he swears he has to put money in the jar. eg, £5

    It works while he is home. but not when your not around

  4. smack him in the mouth and dont  lift a finger for him elsewise

  5. If he is 12 I assume he likes video games. Every time he swears he looses video game time or whatever it is he enjoys most. And stick with it even if he has absolutely nothing left to do. Sometimes embarrassment will work as well. Does he have a grandma or someone he would not talk like this in front of? Take him over there and tell them what he is saying with him beside you and see if that helps.

  6. there are alot of hot sauses out the just up grade to one that  works belive me they burn good luck

  7. i wouldn't think anything of it unless its directed to you.

  8. let him do it as long as other wise he's normal and he doesn't cuss at his elders, or in school. If it's just around his friends then his only doing it to be cool, its a phase, it will pass as soon as he realizes it's just immature to think swearing is "cool".

  9. If he is really swearing that bad be real strict.

    Take him to school and pick him up.

    Help him with his homework have dinner as a family and make sure he finishes his homework - than make him go to bed.

    Do this schedule for every night he has school.

    On the days with no school the next day ground him 24 hrs - Get him up his regular school day time and make him dress like he is going to school - Tell him he has to be punished for swearing and make him stand in the corner the whole day no talking just stand facing the wall and tell him your so ashamed to look at him because of the language he uses - the only time he can leave is to go to the bathroom and eat.

    Make him go to bed the same time as a school night.

    Do not let him have any freedom until his behavior changes.

  10. a punishment in our house.

    If someone makes the others in the house feel bad, then at dinner time, he/she has to sing everyone a song to help them feel good. everyone can eat, but the singer has to miss out on eating until the song is sung.

    It can be fun and gives a better feeling to everyone instead of seeing a brother or son suffer with painful hot sauce

  11. 1st make sure you are not swearing, find out where the swearing is coming from and if you can keep him away from that atmosphere.   Chances are though he's learning it in school or on the bus.    Reguardless you have to correct him or punish him every time just like any other bad behavior.  Older kids hate to be grounded or not aloud to watch tv or play video games.

  12. Go to the store and by tepin.  Its the hottest season around.  Worked great for my little thumb sucker.  Good Luck!

  13. Whip his butt every time he does this. Tell him next time you'll do it even more, AND make him wash his mouth out with soap

    People don't want to spank their kids anymore and then wonder why they turn out so bad.  *sigh*

  14. Tell him that you are serious. he may be swearing for a reason, like something happened in school. you can sit down with him abd ask him, or you can always try the old soap in the mouth thing

            hope that helps :)

  15. Maybe spank him! It worked for me!LOL♥

  16. Make sure  no one at school is teaching swearing is a good thing to do. Ask him who he hangs out with or who are his friends. This should work !!!

  17. My Dad stopped my brother from swearing by making him do 25 push ups for every swear word. It worked quite well.

  18. make them pay you 25 cents each time they swear.  Make it something each member of the family must do.  That way swearing is eliminated by everyone.  You could use them money to do something as a family sometime.  Its like getting a positive from something negative.

  19. If hot sauce doesnt work tyr liquid soap put a dab of that on his tongue. He isnt to old to spank either. Orground him to his room no friends no entertainment but a Bible. He'll get the hint eventually Just dont give up on him

  20. soap!! wash those nasty words right out of his mouth. restriction is a good one to-bad words no fun!!

  21. slap his mouth. im 12 too, and I dont curse at all. It worked on my brother.

  22. At 12 he knows better he may need some help from a Dr ritalin,prozac ETC.Try counseling becuase at 12 if this is his behavior there is nothing you can do I'm sure you done all you can the help he needs is more that you can give call the dr now.

  23. You can 1, make him pay you a certain amount of money from his piggy bank, but if he has no money, 2, soap. Buy a bar of soap. Every time he swears put a bar of soap in his mouth and make him/her sit there for 10 minutes with it in his mouth. Take it from a 13 year old, when i was 12, i talked back to my mom and soap tastes horrible! I defiantly learned my lesson. And 3, reward him for not swearing. Let him/her try to go a day without swearing and if it works, take him/her to Wal-Mart and let him/her pick out a cheap little toy.

  24. Use a good old-fashioned spanking

    as a last resort...

  25. Take everything away.....and I mean EVERYTHING! Make playstations, tv, computers etc....a thing of the past! Take a garbage bag and start filling it with his stuff.  Let him know he can have it back when he learns respect.  He's going to get pissed, but he needs to know who the boss is.  Good luck.....

  26. let him be him... let life teach em you really cant..

    it probably a habit for him now.

    just let him be him..

    its something wrong with it to society.

    lol but really nothing wrong with it at all.

    is he using GOD constantly.

  27. At 12 yrs old you (as the parent) still have command over him.  Take stuff away from him.  I have learned the more you give to them (kids) the more they take things for granted.  

    Stay firm and don't let him do things that he loves.... ex: TV, games, skateboarding... etc.

    At the same time though... sit down and cuddle him.. he might just need some love from you.  Kiss him good bye in the morning and treat him like a little boy (baby) when he was a baby... he will always be your baby.  Spend time with him. Play a game, talk about how his day was in school.  Be his friend... not his enemy.

  28. choice 1:

    every time he swears tell him to put 3 dollars in the swear jar

    ( get a jar)

    kids love money if they have to give it away then they will stop

    if it continues increase it to  $5 then $10.

    It worked with my cousin.

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