
How do I get my 17 month old daughter to sleep all the way through the night?

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She wakes up at least once through the night, my wife and I will give her a bottle to sleep. I know she is testing us, I try to ignore her for an hour, but is there anything else I can do? Need help!




  1. I know what your going through. My three year old just now started sleeping through  the night. I can't say this will help with a little one but I put a timer on a lamp in her room and told her that she is not to wake me up until the lamp comes on.  She has only woken me up one time, she had an accident in her sleep, legitimate reason if you ask me. My guess is this will not help at this age but I can recommend a great book. Healthy Sleep Habits Happy child. My doctor recommended this book when I called him crying from lack of sleep about 2 months ago. I think the author is Mark Weisbluth spelling may not be right. All I can say is get this under control now. You do not want to be looking at this same problem a year and a half from now. Or you too will be calling your child's doctor in tears.

  2. Brandy works wonders

  3. A 17-month-old doesn't need a bottle in the middle of the night.  Switch to water in that bottle, and she'll stop asking for it.  Try some sleep techniques, i.e. Ferber, Baby Whisperer for some suggestions and talk to your pediatrician.

  4. keep her busy during the day with toys.  cut down her nap time during the day.

  5. The only way I have found that works is just stay firm, let her know that it is bed time and that everyone has to sleep. Try playing a bed time CD, (that works for my daughter). Good Luck.

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