
How do I get my 2 year old to drink from a sippy cup instead of the baby bottle?

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I've tried taking away the bottle and giving him the sippy cup. He won't touch the sippy cup ALL day. Eventually he'll begin asking for the bottle and cry if I don't give it to him. He can't fall asleep without his bottle. I don't know what to do. He's taken a sip before from the sippy cup to try it and he gave it back to me saying he didn't want it because he doesn't like it. I told him he had to use it from now on and he said "Mommy, no!" and began throwing a tantrum. What to do? Please help.




  1. Try Playtex Straw cups.  Don't give in, he will drink when he gets thristy.

  2. Your child is WAY too old, you should have asked this question a year ago.

    Take it away. Your child is 2 years old and he is MINIPULATING you. He knows that if he says he does not like it and crys you will give in. If he does not drink anything, just keep an eye on him to make sure he is still going to the bathroom. Maybe even offer a cup without a lid with a little juice in it.

    Stop the bottle though, for your childs sake, now.

  3. Ok.. why did you not try doing this when he was younger? Did you doctor not tell you that around a year old they need to be off the bottle because of their forming teeth? You are the mother here and it is your fault that you did not do this sooner.. not his. First thing get the sippy cups that have the soft tips so they are closer to bottles.. and THROW THE BOTTLES AWAY. and when he asked for them you tell him that they are gone and he is a big boy now and he will drink from his new cups. Even let him pick them out at the store. BUT YOU need to do this now. DO not wait longer because it will only get worse. Oh and do not give in to your soon because you are going to teach him that how he gets his way is throwing a fight and this will not go away it only gets worse if you do not do something about it now. I have a five year old sister that acts like my TWO year old daughter because my mother gives her everything she wants.

    You need to get a parenting book to read when the best time to ween is. Good luck.. and do it now.

  4. just gradually take away the bottle and put the sippy cup in his/her place, if you dont do it to much your child probably will be mad at first but he/she will eventually get used to it. hope this helps, and good luck!

  5. I agree w/James, just gradually take his bottle away.  My daughter is 16 months old.  She gets a bottle twice a day, one in the morning when she wakes up and one at night before bed.  She will only drink juice or the Gerber Flavored Water in her sippy cup but not milk.  Plus the only sippy cup she will take is the one that trains you to drink out of a regular cup.  See if you can get him to sip from a regular cup and if he does cheer and call him a big boy, he may like that and it'll encourage him to continue on.  Good Luck!

  6. Well maybe try giving him some drinks in a bottle and some in a sippy cup until he gets used to it and if he says no mommy bottle ! then say im sorry sweetie but there is no bottle right now. Maybe give him a drink he really like and he might take it . Or say if you drink in the sippy cup i will let u eat a piece of chocolate or something..... Well i hope this helps gl :)  

  7. let him watch u throw out his bottles!

    He is manipulating u, cause he knows he can win.

    Give him no choice but the cup  it will take about a week!

    Good Luck

  8. What I did with my daughter was I just bought the sippy cups that have a soft nipple that are more like a bottle....It took her a couple of tries to get it down...But she didn't mind it at all...We got ours from walmart we got the expensive kind the first time...but then found that she thought the cheaper kind were more like her bottle. Hope this Helps!

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