
How do I get my 3 1/2 girl to stop wetting her pants? She is trained but seems to have lapsed. Poo is ok?

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I am getting so mad about the whole thing and really upset. We have been training since 2 yrs and 2 months and she has weeks where she is really good and stays dry and then weeks where she is really bad like today - 8 pairs of pants and countless outfits later... She occaisionally goes at preschool but more often then not is wet when I pick her up or comes home and then has loads of accidents one after another. Please help me as I am so unsure as to how to help her now and I feel so mad at all the mess and the washing I end up shouting. Any tips would be welcome. She is really good at going for a poo so no issue then. I havent even tried nighttime yet as I dont think she is ready.




  1. well she's almost 4 so I would first make sure she doesn't have a bladder problem. if the doctor says she's fine then tell her that she needs to start being a good girl and stop using the bathroom on ther own. and if she is still wearing pull ups at night you should stop that can confuse her my daughter is 3 and she wears undies at night with no problems I know all kids are different but if you stick with the routine you used when you first started potty training her she will understand, going to the bathroom constently asking her if she has to go and and even putting her in timeout she is old enough to understand why she is being punished. I have even told my daughter this if you can ask mommy for candy then you can tell mommy you have to use the bathroom. I hope this helps

  2. For daytime potty:Take her potty every 30 to 45 minutes. Take her right before nap time and right after, I know it's a lot of work but potty training is the hardest thing to do! Make sure she knows that you are proud of her when she does make it in the toilet and make her help you clean it up when she goes on the floor! She will learn to stop! For overnight potty training :Let dinner be the LAST time she has something to drink. She will try to con you and tell you how thirsty she is but trust me she will be ok. Then right before bed put her on the toiletto go potty, if she says she doesnt have to..tell her to try and if she still doesnt have to that it is ok. Then right before YOU go to bed take her again (even if she went potty before) take her again and put her back to bed. Tell her that it is OK to wake mommy or daddy is she has to go potty and needs help. It works perfectly!! If she continues tell her that you will take away one toy every time she goes potty in her bed. Then she can have one back for each night she doesnt go potty.

  3. Obviously she isn't completely potty trained.  You're getting mad and upset over nothing other than the fact that YOU were the one putting her into pants rather than leaving her in diapers until she is COMPLETELY potty trained.  Stop blaming the poor child, she is only 3 1/2 and is behaving as a 3 1/2 old.  It's your fault you are having to do the extra washing not her's.  She's only a toddler...YOU are supposed to be the adult and use common sense.

  4. Please check out relevant answers to this same question are posted, could be physical, mental,emotional problem.  The answers are very good, some you can try right away & then proceed to next step if that does not work.  My 3 yo relapsed as well, I think it was because the teacher @ his K-3 summer program left, he never got to say goodbye, he is still asking for her 3 weeks later.  He had not had accident at school or home until that happened!  I made him take off his own clothes, take a cold bath & dress himself back up & no tv time for 1 hr.  seems to be working!  yelling only increased the problem, take a deep breath & start thinking about what different reward choices you can give her if she has no accidents.  Balloons worked for my boy.   Good Luck MOMMY!

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