
How do I get my 3 yr old son to sleep alone?

by  |  earlier

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I just recently moved into a 3 bedroom home and now that my son is able to have his own room and bed, I don't know how to get him to sleep on his own. Hes slept with me since he was brought home from the hospital, he's used to holding my ear when hes tired and falls asleep that way another habit I'm having a very difficult time breaking =( If you have any suggestions that will finally get him sleeping on his own, PLEASE share. Or any ideas about the ear thing. He'll be 4 in Dec. I just don't know what to do...




  1. Get him something to hold, like a soft toy, a night light if he's afraid of the dark. Leave his door open and your door open, give him a sense that "you're there". Maybe you could make him a deal, tell him if he manages to sleep in his own room all right give him one night a week or so that he can spend in your bed. Decorate his room the way he likes it, so he'll like being in there.

    Let him off gently, he'll probably be running into your room lots at first. You may have to sit with him until he sleeps then go back into your own room. And don't give in! Be strict. Even if you're super tired and feel like just giving in. 'Cause then it'll just take forever to get this done. And remember, he will tire out before you do. Offer incentive. That always works.  

  2. its going to be hard and he is going to CRY...but if ur ready to have him sleep on his own then ull b ok.. i had a similar problem, i went out with my son had him pick out his bed,bedding and explained that when the bed came home he would sleep in that bed in his room, the 1st night was tough but u just have to not give in.. theyll get up and come to ur bed many times and u hav to walk him back to his bed until he stays . it may take a few days but eventually if u dont give in they will stay in their bed!!  good luck

  3. Everyone's answer is absolutely right.  Also this is something that you have to do gradually. You just can't decide one night that he has to sleep on his own.  Goodluck! I'm kind of going through the same thing with my nephew who's 2 and turning 3 in dec also.

  4. Buy him a child bed and put it near ur bed.

    That's what my parents did when i was a baby!!!

  5. Firstly you have to be strong, you need to show a little tough love here.

    I'd start by sitting with him on his bed or even lying with him. Then go from lying to sitting after a few days, a few days later sit alongside the bed still keeping physical contact. Then sit close to the bed just out of reach, every few nights or sooner moving further away until you are outside of the room and finally away from the room.

    It is fine at 4 for him to have a special toy or blanket, try to substitute yourself with a new special toy or blanket that is safe for him to sleep with. Talk to him about the fact he is a big boy now and take him shopping for that something special to have at bed time.

    The most important thing is that you don't give in to his tantrums.... And believe me there will be tantrums. And if he wakes through the night as hard as it will be to say no, Do Not allow him to stay in your bed. It will be easy to think, Oh just this once or I'm to tired to put him back to bed but don't because it will set you back.

    It will be hard for you and you will most likely cry as you listen to him cry too but try not to let him see you crying or grab him and cuddle him feeling that you're hurting him because you are teaching him.

    Of course you need to watch the line between a tantrum and full on distress which needs to be comforted but you do need to exercise tough love.

    Once he gets to Kindergarten and the other children talk about being in their own beds this will help too if you haven't conquered it by then.

    Good Luck

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