
How do I get my 3 yr old to listen and behave!!?

by  |  earlier

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I have had it with my son and think I'm about to loose it anytime soon. He doesn't listen for nothing he likes to hit, bite, hurt, and anything possible that you can think of to make his bro. cry. I have 4 kids and this one is the worst of all I don't know what to do anymore I sit and talk to him to let him know it's wrong with what he is doing and it does not work, he takes off running in the stores and does not come to me unless he is ready I put in the shopping cart and he still climbs out. Why is he so hyper he is not like any average kid and just out of control. He always wants his way if he does not get it then he screams, hollers, cry I don't give in because he wants to watch cartoons and on my tv all day everyday when he has his own room and tv/dvd player and toys but he wants to be in my room all the time to watch cartoons and sleep in our bed when it's time to sleep. I have a 1yr old and he sleep very independantly with no problem. I want some serious answers no smart remark




  1. Ya most people will just tell you to "Go see a doctor" I hate that!!

    I have a 3 year old that is the same way- its so hard because you cant reason with them. When children are old enough you can get them to behave by taking away toys they love and reward good behavior by giving them back but 3 yr olds just dont get it.

    If you dont spank him I would advise you to start- I know its not the best option but kids like that need it- I hate doing it but my child would walk all over me if I didnt. The only thing that worked for me was to get an old wooden back scratcher and smack him on the butt a few rimes with that- your hand doesnt work because he doesnt feel threatened by your hand because he sees it all the time. So now Ill give him a few chances to stop but if he keeps it up I get out the stick and he straightens right up.

    Sorry If you dont believe in spanking but this is the only thing I have found to work. Good Luck : )

  2. He probably has ADHD. Take him to a doctor.

  3. Well first off I would start by taking away all his high tech stuff. If he's not watching it anyways why let him have it. Second of all I would but one of those kids leashes(seriously) for when you go anywhere the harness that go aroud their chest and te leash hooks to the back. Ten I would either put a drop of dish soap on his tongue when he bites his siblins or whoop his rear end. I firmly believe in spanking a child and i think you shouldve started spanking him yesterday. Set up a system you and your husband. Maybe first offense told NO firmly and second offense a spanking. If you do this each time no matter what he will get the hint it just may take a few days for him to see you are not kidding. Also try and take some alone time with each of the kids each day. Sometimes they act out do to need of attention. They act out in the wrong way and need to be punished but if you give him a little extra love when you can it may help some too.  I have 4 of my own and I know that is hard sometimes but 5 minutes is a big deal to a kid.

  4. Give her some more attention

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