
How do I get my 5 month old puppy to stop chewing up my stuff?

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She's only chewing up my things noone else's and she just started doing this a couple of weeks ago.




  1. when she chews something spray her with water from a spray bottle, it worked for our dog:). She will know it is bad to do after a bit.  

  2. For a start, NEVER hit the dog, make the puppy associate it with it being bad and try a short shock tactic( make a loud bang )this distracts and discourages the dog. Also reward by giving a tasty treat eg. chicken. lastly, don't give up, don't think it's irreparable, now is the time to teach whilst the dog is young.

    good luck!

  3. Fill a jar with coins and when she chews something shake the jar, it scares dogs and they hate it.. it worked on my dog

  4. at pets stores you can buy many types of sprays that dont smell to great with dogs but are almost odorless  to humans. the liquid  doesnt ruin plants or cords or mos othe household items

  5. All puppies like to chew, she is learning what she is aloud to do and not to do, tell her no but say her name first and then no, she is teething and needs toys to chew on you can buy these from your pet store, no teddy bears as the eyes can be chewed off and swallowed and then with complications, buy her some raw hide, puppies love this and it can last for hours of chewing. I have  6 month old puppy, as she still is one, she  still needs things to chew on, raw bones is great to as they can spend hours chewing on these as well, and it is good for there health as well as their teeth......good luck

  6. I once tied a shoe to a dogs collar because she chewed it. I made her drag it around all day. She never chewed it anything of mine again.

  7. deny access -  and management!


    * baby gate

    * closed door

    * exercise-pen

    * PUT  AWAY any non-dog items -

    off floor, on shelf, in closet...

    * umbilical-cord (leash to person's waist)

    * tether  (tie to a solid object)

    * supervise, supervise, supervise...

    rather than punishing the pup, which poisons her future relations with U, offer her the Right Thing to chew in exchange for anything that U do not want to be chewed.  she is teething - chewing is also a natural + desirable dog-behavior, as it is soothing to the dog.

    FREE Book on-line:

    Before U get Ur Puppy, on DogStar Daily website.

    lots of helpful advice!

    FREE clicker-training:

    canis clicker-training, delivered by e-mail for 1 week.

    excellent, clear, kind, builds compliance.

  8. Puppies chew things- maybe yours is the only ones laying around or you have the cooler chew toys. Try keeping your stuff picked up and plenty of her toys out. They grow out of that stage after their adult teeth come in.

  9. She may like your scent or find it comforting so she goes to things that remind her of you or have your scent. I guess when she does it you need to be firm with her, tell her 'No' and move her away from what she is chewing.  

  10. mmm...maybe it's because it has your scent on it, and she likes it or something. I am not sure why she is only chewing your stuff. It could also be because your stuff is so familiar and she likes chewing stuff that she knows is safe to chew. IT IS A NORMAL THING FOR PUPPIES TO CHEW. Most all puppies do it, because when a puppy starts getting older, its baby teeth will start to come out, like humans teeth do. And when the permanent teeth come in, it is painful, so the puppy tries chewing on things to help get the baby teeth out. Try getting toys that are good for chewing on, like a rubber toy. She will stop chewing more after this stage passes, but you should still train her like I wrought below:

    A way that we got our yellow lab to stop chewing stuff when he was a puppy was to get this non-toxic spray that tastes really bad. It smelled bad too, but all you do is spray it on whatever she is chewing and when she tries to chew it again, it tastes really bad and she won't chew it! Don't worry, it won't stink up your house. After a while, your dog will learn that chewing things is wrong and she will stop. also, do some training with her. get some dog treats and when ever she starts chewing, tell her a voice command and if she doesn't listen(which she will when you first try) take the thing that she is chewing and say. "bad dog. No chew." in a stern voice while showing it to her. If she doesn't go after it again, reward her immediately and after a while, she will learn.

    Hope this helps! Good luck!  

  11. Maybe she's in your room the most or you have your stuff laying all over the house and she thinks she's gonna play with it!

  12. There's this spray that let's say your puppy chews..... fake apples. You spray it on the apple and it's a bitter taste so they don't like it. it's called bitter apple. i know it a weird name but you can spray it on anything!

  13. Get a wash cloth, wet it and freeze it.  Give it to her insted of chewing everything she will chew it.  It worked for my dog.

  14. wen my puppy was that age he chewed everything... we tried scat mats... they r sticky mats and wen ur animal bites/scraatches they get stuck.... it worked for my dog AND cats

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