Ok, ok, I know I'm asking for it asking this on YA. I have a 5 month old little girl and she has slept with me every night since she was born. It just kinda happened. She is too big for her bassinet that is in my room, so I want her to start sleeping in her crib in the other room. I have tried many nights to put her to sleep in her crib. she usually gets a bath between 7:45 and 8:30 and bed time follows shortly afterward. I have let her fall asleep in my arms and then set her in the crib, her eyes pop open and she starts screaming as soon as I set her down. I have let her cry for a while to see if she will fall asleep, but she wont stop once she starts. I am breast feeding and in order for her to fall asleep at night she has to nurse...then she falls asleep with a boob in her mouth LOL. I have to gently pull away and hope she doesn't wake up. Then at night when i come to bed she wakes up ever 30 mins or so. I'm exhausted and its my fault, I have created a monster! I need some MOM advice, PLEASE HELP ME!