
How do I get my 5 month old to sleep in her crib?

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Ok, ok, I know I'm asking for it asking this on YA. I have a 5 month old little girl and she has slept with me every night since she was born. It just kinda happened. She is too big for her bassinet that is in my room, so I want her to start sleeping in her crib in the other room. I have tried many nights to put her to sleep in her crib. she usually gets a bath between 7:45 and 8:30 and bed time follows shortly afterward. I have let her fall asleep in my arms and then set her in the crib, her eyes pop open and she starts screaming as soon as I set her down. I have let her cry for a while to see if she will fall asleep, but she wont stop once she starts. I am breast feeding and in order for her to fall asleep at night she has to nurse...then she falls asleep with a boob in her mouth LOL. I have to gently pull away and hope she doesn't wake up. Then at night when i come to bed she wakes up ever 30 mins or so. I'm exhausted and its my fault, I have created a monster! I need some MOM advice, PLEASE HELP ME!




  1. Oh, that is a tough one!  You have my sympathy.

    Have you tried to introduce a pacifier?  I, personally, am not a big fan of  them, but it was either a pacifier or my boob, so I picked the pacifier.  Anyhow, when we moved our daughter into her own room we gave her the pacifier, and yes, I was back and forward many times but after a week or so she actually started sleeping longer.  We have also introduced a safety blanket (you know, with the bunny in the middle of it), which she uses to help herself fall asleep.  We put it in our bed for a night so it would smell like us.  I don't know if that mattered or not, but she loves the dang thing.

    Also, we actually started putting her in her crib for daytime naps only and then after a week or so when she had gotten used to it we started putting her in there at night too.

    Anyhow, good luck.  I definitely think that getting her used to the crib now, regardless of how hard it will be, will be the best thing since it isn't going to be an easier the older she gets.

  2. It sounds like you are trying to mess with a situation that is fine the way it is.

    If she likes sleeping in your bed and nurses to sleep - and it gives you both a better nights sleep - don't stop until she's ready.

  3. Ok, first of all, just for future reference, if you want to co-sleep and then have the baby sleep in her crib when she first goes to bed, then get up and carry her over to your bed when she wakes up for a night time feeding. This way she's accustomed to both sleeping in her crib and sleeping in your bed.

    Try rocking or swinging her to sleep while swaddled and with a pacifier. Once she falls asleep, put her in the crib. Prior to doing this, though, take a shirt that you've been wearing and try putting it somewhere where she doesn't have any risk of suffocating but can still get some of its scent. Another thing you can try doing is using a burp cloth that has the scent of your milk on it. Now would also be the time to let her sleep with a "security blanket" - a small plush, one of those small blankets that are made for that specific purpose, etc. Just put it next to her any time she sleeps and eventually she'll use it to put herself to sleep instead of you. Another thing that wouldn't be a bad idea would be to invest in a Fisher Price Ocean Wonders Aquarium for her crib. It has a lot of parents raving about it, including me, because it puts their babies to sleep like magic.

  4. let me start by saying you do not have to let your baby cry all night so she can get the not listen to that. why would you want your baby to be upset for a loong time and learn it the most strict and horrible way possible...if your baby cries go and comfort her and make her feel just makes me soo mad how people can think thats a good way to teach your children to be independent, thats like throwing your kid in the street and saying you find a place to sleep i wont open the door nomatter how much you cry for me...your baby is used to you, so you have to be patient. try first putting her to nap in the afternoon in her crib, let her play in her crib, because you want her to feel secure. thats how they become independent. security is the when you are ready to try one night, and she starts crying, go and comfort her, but dont pick her up. place your hands on her eyes and make her close her eyes while you are signing to her....sing to her very low, and smile and tell her shes me she wil fall asleep. i pat my baby in her butt and she falls right asleep. just remember to have a lot of patience, this way you baby wont be so stressed out and neither will you. because anyways you wont be able to sleep while your baby cries, so be with her and shell know that you are there whenever she feels insecure. and she will sleep just fine. :0) good luck...oh yeah dont give her a pacifier either because your breastfeeding, you dont want her to be dependent of that or you will have another problem later on when she wont do anything without it. try giving her the same stuffed animal every night so it becomes her comfort toy. also i almost not give your baby cereal especially in a bottle, its a chocking hazard and its not worth givimg it to them.

  5. Tablets, jabs

    but make sure you can use them on babies first

  6. No lectures, here, Mom, we are all in this together! <G>  But I will tell you that your biggest mistake is letting her fall all the way asleep...babies need to learn to get themselves to sleep, and back to sleep.

    You should be putting her down when she is MOST of the way asleep, with a pacifier if she takes one....I figured out early on that if I rocked my son to sleep and then put him down, his eyes would pop open like one of those cheap baby dolls we grew up with!

    When you put her down and she is drowsy, you can rub her back a little, if she is on her side, or rub her thighs, if she is on her back...

    When she awakens at night, try to nurse her quickly in the dark, and get her back to might be time for you to introduce breast milk into the bottle, and let Dad feed her in the night now and again--that way, too, he gets some good time with her, and it is a completely new pattern.

    Oh, she WILL fuss, for at 5- months, they already know what they want, and she wants her personal sleeping chair--Mama!  Be prepared to let her cry for a few nights, but I promise you she will come around...

    Now, if she had been five YEARS old, I might have fussed a little <G>...good for you for moving her to her own bed now!

    Your husband will be overjoyed to have you all to himself again!

    Good Luck!!!

  7. My son wouldn't sleep in his crib unless you laid him down a certain way. Trying turning your daughters crib the same direction as your bed then lay her in it on the same end she would lay on if she was sleeping with you. I know it sounds crazy but it is a routine/comfort thing.

  8. I slept with my daughter in my bed with me until she was 6 months. I had no problems. I put her crib in my room and have her in there for now, it is easier but gets her used to sleeping in the crib, she sleeps through the whole night in it. The first few nights she woke up a few times but after that she slept through. There is nothing wrong with sleeping with your baby. It creates a great bond I think. You could try putting her in your room for a bit. then move her out slowly. Good luck!

  9. Ok, first, start to pump breast milk.My baby's mom and I started thatt . You shoould have just put her in the crib  when she was 2-3 months old. Also try to have a low bit of music  on or just let her cry, and fall asleep. Some times it helps. When does she have her naps? Bed time should be 8:00 -9:'00(if you want to get some sleep).TIP:baby can have cereal,give her some befor bed. It helps keep her asleep.And get her in her crib ,NOT in YOUR room!You can ask a Parent educater,they have BIG tips.

  10. Yeah, this is going to be tough.  Try not allowing her to fall asleep when nursing.  Every time her eyes start to close, stimulate her.  Make sure that she is completely sated before releasing your breast.  Then make sure that she is comfortable with a dry diaper and well burped.  Put her in her bed EVERY TIME it is time for her to sleep.  Turn a radio on with soothing music or sounds, close the door and leave.  Do not keep going back in there.  She will cry for what seems like forever, but she is safe, nothing will hurt her in her crib.  She will be stubborn, but you can be stubborn too.  In a few days, she will learn that this is her place and that it is time to sleep.  You will then be free to catch up on the sleep that you have been depriving yourself of by trying to rest with an infant in your bed.  Good luck.

  11. this is what you need to do.

    deal with a screaming pissed off baby for a couple nights...when she crys DO NOT go in and comfort her...she has already learned that crying equals attention and geting what she wants. it will honostly only take about 3  nights....she will quickly learn that no matter HOW LONG she crys, she has to stay there and go to bed. you will gradualy notice the crying last less time each night. it will be hard on you but like you said you did it. sorry. i hope this helps and i hope you try it out.

    good luck!!

  12. Put her crib in your room to start out with.right next to your bed.It will help both of you.Slowly after about a month push her crib a lil farther away from your bed.Then let her go to her room.She may cry but you can't give in.  

  13. I got rid of the crib when my baby was 4 months old because it's easier to breastfeed when the baby was just next to me.  It's absolutely okay to have you, your husband and your baby sleep in the same bed if it's okay with him.  If you prefer to put your daughter in bed, please wait a bit longer because you need to wait until she goes into the REM stage of sleep.  I don't think it's a good idea to let the baby cry even though some experts suggest it.  If you were a baby, would you like to be left alone?  Your daughter is probably scared and wants to have her human pacifier to calm her.  I never had one good night of sleep for 5 years but I still think that the joy of seeing my daughter grow outweights the exhaustion.  Trust your intuition.  You are the best and only person on this whole planet to give the kind of comfort that your daughter needs.  I know it's hard but hang in there.

  14. Why change? Is there a reason why you don't want her with you anymore?  There is absolutely nothing wrong with having your children sleep with you while they are young.  All 4 of mine have slept with us and we had no problems transitioning them into their own beds as they got older.  Google "family bed" and there is some great articles on this issue.  Only in America and Europe and a few other countries,  is separating our children from us like that is practiced.  She will eventually sleep by herself in her own bed.  In my opinion, I feel you should let her stay with you.  There is absolutely no harm in it.   All the best-

  15. I am an older and my child is grow now and I did the same thing when my child was a baby. I do not see anything wrong with a parent wanting to hold their child. You are all your baby has and will grow up soon enough.

    Touch is one of the most soothing thing for a child and when she want to learn to crawl and walk you will wish for the days that you could cuddle with her.

    As for the sleeping through the night one thing that my child's doctor told me was to only give my child formula; for the same age as your child. My friends mom who care for my child while I was at work had given her baby rice, it is powdered and it was a little more filling for my baby and helped her sleep for at least four hours between feedings.

    As for sleeping away from you take a night light and wrap her a little more snug in her blanket it will give her the illusion that you are hugging her. Since you are aware that she will be waking up give yourself about a week to do this, come in 10 minutes later than the time before she starts to cry. She just wants to know you are there and this is how she is calling you. When she feels safe she will not cry for your attention.

    She may want to nurse still if you have not decided when you are going to ween her from nursing, and the occasional diaper change and when she is not feeling well.  But, if you follow through with a routine she will be fine.

    Good luck

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