
How do I get my 5 week old to stop crying?

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During the day she will soothe herself to sleep. There may be a little fussing, but not very much. But for some reason within the past week or so, during the evening, she is obviously tired, but will not go to sleep without crying uncontrollably. It's not colic (I don't think) because it doesn't go on for hours and hours. I think she is just fights sleep in the evening until the point of exhaustion. I feed her and change her and try white noise, but nothing helps. When I do get her to fall asleep by rocking or some other method, when I put her down, she immediately wakes and starts all over. Any suggestions? Please!




  1. SOmetimes you just have to let them cry it out.

  2. My little girl was like that, and we started putting her to bed earlier.  Worked like a charm.  She would go down easier, and sleep longer.  She did wake up earlier, but she's now a 12 hour sleeper and its awesome.  I never would have thought the answer was that she needed to be in bed by 6:30, but it was the answer to all of our problems.  Luckily, our schedule allows us to accomodate hers.  Might be harder if you work and can't get her home and situated by then.  

  3. I dont know if you have tried this already but this is what i did with my now 10 week old...i always put him to bed awake even in the evening, make sure he is burped well then put him down. i let him cry and if after about 10 mins he slows down i let him keep going, if you can here pauses in her crying let her keep going this is her way of trying to settle herself. if she is still going stong after bout 10 mins go back to her and pat her back(dont talk to her or pick her up), or rock her slightly while she is lying down. and trying ssshhhing noise in her ear. do this until she seems calmer then walk away and let her cry again hopefully she will settle, if not try picking her up burping her and try again. however at 5 weeks my baby was pretty tough too he always had a sore tummy and would only sleep 3 hours at a time even during the night, but now he is doing much better. hopefully this might help but its always trial and error with babies, you never know whats gonna work. hope this helped.

  4. A Binky will help too quiet a baby. Also a nose maker like of the rain forest or even child songs will help. Feeding him or her can help with warm milk helps to. If nothing works then take them o the doctors. They will give sleeping medicine. Or they will suggest something. Hope I helped!! Also drive them around in the car until they fall asleep. It worked when I was a baby.

  5. do you have a swing?  that was a lifesaver for me in times like those (my son had to take all his naps in the swing until he was about 4.5 months or so.  

    i would swaddle him and put him in the swing (left his legs out to buckle him in).  

    then when we moved him to bed he was swaddled and we left him swaddled to sleep at night so he didn't seem to notice being moved... (we swaddled him at night to sleep until he was about 4.5 months also)

  6. By the end of the day my little boy needs a good burp and tummy rub. Sometimes he doesnt burp fully after each feed and I am sure it accumulates and passes down to his digestive system. I have found giving him a soothing tummy rub with some oil (or laying him belly down on my knee so my thigh presses gently on his abdomen) relaxes him and helps him to pass any gas that is causing tummy aches. I also hold him upright on my chest and gently pat or rub his back to help him burp if he needs to. It has worked well for me and he is going off to sleep without any fuss anymore (It was really bad before I started this routine). Good luck!

  7. Almost sounds to me as if she is overstimulated.  My son would do this if he was.  I would take her in a quiet, darkened room and rock her gently.  If she still cries uncontrollably, set her down and very gently rub her head.  I found that sometimes my son would get so overstimulated that he actually didn't want to be held.  This worked like a charm.  Oh, and try to get her to sleep BEFORE she gets to that point.  Look for cues of tiredness and go through the motions to get her to sleep immediately.  Good luck.

  8. How long does it go on for?  I know you said it wasn't colic, but if it goes on for even an hour that could be what it is.  My son had colic, but he only cried for about an hour, and it did start at 5 weeks old.  Have you tried Mylecon drops?  Her belly could be hurting.  Have you tried holding her skin to skin with you?  If not, try undressing her down to her diaper, and holding her up to your bare skin.  That calmed my son down a lot.  And, don't worry she won't get cold, because she will be warm from your body heat, but you can always put a blanket on her back if you feel like she may get cold.  It was all trial and error with me during the first 10 weeks of my sons life.  I thought the boy would never stop crying, but after about 10 weeks he grew out of the crying and became the best baby.  Do you breastfeed or bottle feed?  It could be the formula making her fussy.  Good luck.

  9. My son 4 to 5 weeks of age had what my husband and I called fussy time. He went on from 7pm to 11pm. After a couple weeks of crying we finally figured out that we had to make a schedule for him also making sure that he didn't get a nap for at least 2 hours before bed time. At 6:30-7:30 I would go for a walk with him in a Snugli. Then 7:30-8:30 we would give him a long relaxing bath. Then after the bath we would put him in a swaddle me. While in the swaddle me I would give him a bottle with one more ounce then normal and he would go to bed. After getting this schedule he even started sleeping through the night at only 6 or 7 weeks. And if you feel its not colic then its not...Everyone kept telling me that but after finding out this schedule and trying to figure out what he likes then he stopped all the crying. As the weeks go on you will figure out what she likes and what will calm her down to be so young they know what they want. For my son its walking. CONGRATS I sure do wish you the best!

  10. Swaddle her

    Put a clock under or at end of bed so it replicates your heart beat

    Put a heat pack in the bed until you put her in

    Going from sleeping on your warm body to a cold bed would wake me lol

    Remember to take heat pack out before putting baby back into bed

    If this does not work try a pacifier until she drops off

    Roll her onto her side not facing you, hold her shoulder and pat her bottom in a heartbeart style for as long as you can cope

    If she cries to extreme pick her up hold her close until she settles  and then put her back down again and start over

    Try and give her a bath with Johnsons bedtime bath with soothing remedies before bed and then give her a massage with lotion dress her so she is warm and relaxed and then feed her in a dim light  thent her down for her sleep

    Goodluck hope i helped


  11. Don't let her CIO as the previous poster suggested. That is not going to solve anything.

    Are you swaddling her and making sure she's in a deep sleep before putting her down? Have you tried a bath before bedtime? This helps relax them more. What time are you trying to put her down? I found when my baby was younger he wouldn't go down until around 10 or so.

    Here's a website that may help.

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