
How do I get my 5 year old Kinder to follow directions and behave?

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My son is just refusing to follow the teachers directions. He is very nice and polite about it but we are at the end of our ropes. She uses a "red light" system for behavior and a treasure chest. Any ideas of things that "worked for you"? He has been on "red" almost everyday since the beginning




  1. IF he doesn't listen at school maybe try a spanking at home to help get the point across.

  2. IF he doesn't listen at school maybe try a spanking at home to help get the point across.maybe theres something bothering him, how about you just sit down and talk to him and if so just try to work things out....or just tell him he has to behave or the boogey man is gonna get him while he sleepsYou need to support the teacher totally. Impose punishments at home for lack of co-operation.

  3. maybe see if something is wrong or set up a reward system for evry time he payss attention all week

  4. maybe you could try a card system where you have a green, yellow, orange, and red card.

    if you stay on green all day then you get 2 pieces of candy.

    if you get to yellow(warning) then you get 1 piece of candy.

    if you get to orange(timeout) then no candy.

    if you get to red(your choice) and no candy for the rest of the week.

  5. maybe reward him with somthing special or take away privaliges such as having friends over or tv

  6. Some kids are just more restless than others; and it's hard get them to calm down.  He doesn't take in too much sugar, does he?  That will do it.  Diet sodas aren't good for children; nor anything with Aspartame in it.  It can cause a lot of problems.

    My son was restless for a long time.  It turned out; it was caused greatly because his father and I were divorced and he took it badly.  Things like that can have a terrible effect on children.  My son is grown now.

  7. Try rewarding him. If he does something right, give him a treat or buy him something he wants, if he does not behave dont give him anything and tell him why he did not get anything.

  8. maybe theres something bothering him, how about you just sit down and talk to him and if so just try to work things out....or just tell him he has to behave or the boogey man is gonna get  him while he sleeps

  9. well. to  start, tell him that if he is good for the whole week, he will get a prize and at the and of the month he gets a special prize. But, if at the end of the year he is good, he gets to go on a trip. The  prizes depend on how you feel.If in the week, he does something wrong or gets red again, put him in the corner and make him stand. If the whole week, he is bad, make him stand in the corner, and ban T.V video games, computers, and dessert. He must earn these back. throughout the week by helping you around the house and doing homework. Try this and your kid could be good and have fun! Also, after he gets used to the routine, start taking .

    away the prize thing and tell him he gets a surprise prize anyday of any week.  This should make him better in behavior.

  10. No Dont spank him.

    He's a 5 year old, he will outgrow it.  Don't let it get you down.

    It also has to do with the teacher, she can reward him and everything and he may just be in this "age" where he doesn't want to listen...

  11. His teacher needs to give him a reason to behave. Sounds like he's always in trouble. When a child is always in trouble, then they figure it doesn't matter if their still going to be in trouble. She needs to find any little things he does do that are good, even if nobody asked him to do it. Like throwing away a wrapper or something instead of letting fall on the ground, and other things like that. If he holds the door, she should sugar coat it and tell him, "You're an Awesome door holder, maybe the best I've seen." ANY positive feed back she gave give directly to him, will benefit him. I have a difficult child in my class at work and I have to notice these things too, even the tiny stuff that normally would be expected of him like saying please or thank you, and cleaning up his own mess. Also when he has a new shirt or haircut, I comment because it makes him feel good, thus facilitating good behavior. If he comes to school knowing that at some point he's going to be in trouble, he won't be as good a mood as if he would be if he were looking forward to hearing something positive everyday. When I see that he is having a good day, I tell him, "You know, you are having a really great day aren't you? It makes me SO happy when you make good choices because then you're happy to. I am going to tell your dad that you had an awesome day!." When I tell him this, he is so excited that he is getting a good report, that he tries his best to make good choices the rest of the day.If he sees that she does care when he behaved and not just when he doesn't behave, he may respond better.


  12. You need to support the teacher totally.  Impose punishments at home for lack of co-operation.

    I would be horrified if this was my child.  Not only is he jeopardising his own education, but that of the children around him.

    Your child is obviously bright.  He knows the "red" light system actually means nothing.  It must come with consequences.

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