
How do I get my 6 month old to sleep by herself?

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My daughter is 6 months old and she's been in bed with us and in her bassinet by the bed. Lately every time I go to lay her down in her bassinet after she falls asleep with me, she wakes up crying and will not soothe herself back to sleep. I'd like to get her in her crib, but everytime I try she just cries and cries. During the day she takes 1-2 hour to two hour naps in either her swing or portacrib, but she just won't sleep through the night. She hates the pacifier but loves sucking on her hands. At night though she just cries and flares her arms and won't suck her hand to soothe herself.




  1. Since you can't undo the past you can change things NOW!  Put her in her crib and don't go back in htere until sh'e been quiet for at least an hour.  Any sooner and you might wake her, been there done that!  She won't hurt herself and she will find her fingers eventually.  The sooner you adjust her to her own room the better and easier it will be.  If you wait longer it will take longer.  Good Luck and don't feel bad, self soothing is a necessary step in child development.

  2. I can't agree that leaving a baby crying for an hour is going to achieve anything but a very distressed child.

    Moving baby to a separate room is a great idea. Get her settled and then leave the room. If she starts to cry, only leave her for 5 mins. Return to the room but don't pick her up or talk to her, just stroke hwe hand or forehead to calm her down.  WHen settled again, leave the room.  If she cries leave it for 10 mins before returning and do the same soothing thng but don't pick up or talk.

    You may have to do this for some time but eventually they will fall asleep.  They need reassurance that you are still around but won't get much attention if they make a fuss.

    Hope it helps.

  3. Move the child and the crib to another room and don't go to her and pick her up.

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