
How do I get my 6 week old to sleep?

by  |  earlier

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My daughter will be 6 weeks on Tuesday, and I'm having trouble getting her to go to sleep at night. She will sleep for 4-5 hours, but the problem is getting her to stop crying to go to sleep. It's usually 12 or 1 am when she falls asleep, after I've been going in there every 10 minutes or so to give her the pacifier or pick her up for a minute. Any advice? Oh yeah she's now on formula, was breastfeeding until earlier this week and is about 10 pounds.




  1. It's probably the formula try another one ask your pharmacist for advice on that. After feeding and burping change her diaper and place her back in crib straight away place your hand on her to make her feel secure.

  2. Sounds like colic.  I would go out tomorrow and buy a swing.  Try that and see what works.  Otherwise, maybe try rocking the baby to sleep.  

  3. 4/5 hours for a six week old is good. you should be happy she is skipping the every three hour feeding. If she has been feed and burped put some soft music on and leave her. She has already figured she can get you to come in and pay attention to her She may just want to play for a time give her something to look at like a mobile If she has colic you will not get her to sleep she will cry constantly rub her tummy and I gave my so a water bottle with a peppermint candy shook up in it  2 oz water one candy shake shake shake  until dissolved.

  4. Did you co-sleep up until now? If so then I'm afraid that moving her to her crib may be part of the problem.  Also weaning is a big, big sudden change that isn't easy for baby.

    You see before 6 weeks of age a baby has no routine, just rituals. However, at about the six week mark those rituals become his/her routine. Changing them at this stage can really unsettle a child. Imagine if you were suddenly moved out of your home, into a new job, with new people and none of your familiar environment or routine? You'd be pretty freaked out, no?

    Just the same for baby. She has learned to sleep using the old cues. So, bearing this in mind, try making the transition smoother. Go back to what used to work. Then slowly, slowly make very small changes. Try keeping her crib in your room where she can hear and smell you.

    Or, you could just stick with the old methods until she shows you she's ready for her own bed (warning: this doesn't usually happen until they are old enough to say "Mama, I want to sleep in my bed"). Whatever you want. Just try and see it from her point of view and don't make sudden changes if you can help it.

    Good luck.

  5. She will most likely be colicky. You will have to find different ways to keep her occupied..take her out in the stroller it always sends my daughter to sleep.

    Why on earth you stop breastfeeding?? That probably made it a whole lot worse by the way.

    Mention it to your doctor.

  6. How long is she napping during the day?

    This is what I did with my little one. I would wrap her up in her favorite blanket and rock her until she fell alseep. You could also try putting a shirt of yours under her with your smell on it. Baby's like mom and dads smell. Sounds gross but they do. Maybe your child has to the doctor about that.

  7. I'd try to get her on some routines. One thing I'd do is use a rocking chair to help her fall asleep. Over time she will start to sleep more regularly and over longer periods of time, but newborns tend to be pretty exhausting.  

  8. Try starting a definite routine! I started playing with my baby to stimulate her then giving her a bath then bottle then bed. She has responded really well with it and has realized that that is bed time, well until the last week hubby started working graveyard and she has been really fussy. Babies don't respond to change at all. Consistency is the key. I have a 9 year old and have realized that consistency is the key throughout childhood. Any changes in the balance could upset anything with a baby so just try a routine that works for you.

  9. sounds like colic. try to go to the pharmacy and get some colic drops. good luck.

  10. Maybe the formula is too harsh for her tummy.   What kind do you have her on?  Is it enfalac or similac?  I had to put both of my kids on  soy formula, that it didn't bother their tummies.  Try taking her for a little walk outside.  Also, if she is not crying, don't pick her up she will fall asleep soon.  If you you find that she is really- really crying I hope you have gripe water.  It comes in handy.  Why did you stop breastfeeding? Did you feel that she was gaining too much weight?  Kids will thin out when they get older.  

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