
How do I get my $.60 deposit back? (in Manhattan)?

by  |  earlier

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Just went across the street to Duane Reade near Times Square.

I bought a 12-pack of Coke.

I noticed on the receipt that I paid a $.60 deposit.

So, when I'm done, should I bring the empty cans back to Duane Reade, or what?

If you have actually gotten a deposit back yourself in NYC, please tell me what you did. Thanks!




  1. yea go back and bring the cans and the receipt back to Duane Reade, they would probably give it back either today or the next day....i had a similar situation, but with Dunkin Donuts in NYC...jus make sure to go back with a receipt, i lost mine but luckily they gave it back to me cuz i went back right away....Good Luck!

  2. Take the cans/bottles to any SUPERMARKET Grestides/Food Emporium......There are machines that give refunds....

    Good Luck for .60 cents it might not be worth the trip

  3. I don't know about Manhattan but in Michigan they charge 10 cent deposit on pop or beer bottles and cans just take them back no big deal . Yours must be 5 cent deposit . I bet if you bring them hear you would get 10 cents out of them from the bottle machine

  4. that is cool never heard of that. hope you get your money back!

  5. find a redemption center.  I have spent a lot of time around times square and have no idea where you'd do that locally.  You could find a recyling center.  Outside of manhattan you usually find redemption centers in supermarkets or in conjuction with liquor stores.

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