
How do I get my 8 week old kitten to eat? He hasn't eaten anything since we broght him home 48 hours ago.?

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He's perfectly happy and we've tried giving him hard food, soft food and wetting down his hard food and feeding milk. He's perfectly content and purrs non stop but all he does is sleep. He appears to have very little energy. He won't even play since bringing him home.




  1. i wouldn't worry yet.. (unless it kept going for a few more days).. give him time to get used to his new home, it is a big thing for him..

    once his confidence grows he will be bouncing off the walls..

  2. put the water and food bowl next basket (or wat ever he sleeps in) then when he wakes up make sure it eats...if it doesnt, feed it milk....or probably you can take it to the vet too.....just let them check on him.

  3. I would get him to the vet if its been a couple of days.

    I nhad a cat that wasn't weaned properly and we had to kick-start its interest in food again.

    OTOH, one of my cats wasn't very interested in food when she was younger until I made a point of picking her up and putting her in front of the food dish and watching her eat.

    Soft food, definitely, to start.

    Just keep putting her in front of the food, over and over.  Or feed a bit of it to her by hand or by placing it on the floor.

  4. this is normal behavior for a kitten in new surroundings

    its an adgustment period and it will pass very soon

    just keep showing him where the litter box is and where the food and water is

    make sure he is drinking

    he maybe a little sad from leaving his family but he will be ok

    if you get to oworried and he hasnt drank anything in another day then call the vet and take him in for a checkup

  5. My kitten wouldn't eat at first when I got her - she was being abused before I got her and she had some issues.  I had to feed her kitten milk (available at the pet store) in an eyedropper 3 times a day.  After about a week, one day, she just woke up and started eating her wet and dry food.  She's a happy fat cat now.  Good luck!

  6. the only answer is he is a kitten-not with his mother. it wil take time to come over the loss. try giving him boiled and smashed fish or boiled and condensed milk, that wil do good!! good luck to u and ur cat!

  7. if your kitten has had a lot of milk it could be giving him an upset tummy. cats do not have the enzyme lactase and therefore cannot digest dairy products. i recommend discontinuing the milk..

  8. take some wet cat food and put it on your finger tip and gently put it in his mouth  after a couple times he should eat it  Good luck!

  9. I got a new kitten about a month ago, and it did the same thing, except she wouldn't use the bathroom either! Just give it time and make sure you show it where the food and water is and also where the litter box is. Pretty soon it will be hungry and will eat.  

  10. Maybe you should try putting milk in a bottle and try feeding the kitten. To make it more active maybe you should try taking it on small walks and take it outside to play if the weather is good.

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